ThinkPad Notebook PC's Now Made By Red Chinese Lenovo
The IBM ThinkPad (among other computer products) is now being sold by the Communist Red Chinese company Lenovo, as I first reported on June 30, 2005
On June 30, 2005, I reported that the IBM PC division had been sold to the Red Chinese company LENOVO. Today, let's take a look at how the companies' PC line was re-branded, and its' marketing converted to reflect this change of ownership. The example that I will use will be the IBM ThinkPad notebook PC, which is now fully a LENOVO product.
The first stage in predatory capitalism is to slowly shift from one companies' name, to the company that bought out the original corporation. The reader has doubtless seen this in television commericals, where the company identity goes from COMPANY A to COMPANY A+B, and finally, to COMPANY B alone. In this example that we are discussing, the company name went from IBM to IBM-LENOVO, and finally to just LENOVO all by itself.
The first stage in predatory capitalism is the featuring of both companies' names in the logo, as seen above
This is done to create public awareness that a new company has purchased the original company. Here, both companies' names appear in a logo that is a mash-up of the two original identities. An ad campaign is undertaken, where the change is mentioned and promoted.
The next stage in re-branding is shifting the prominence to the new corporate identity, as seen below, where IBM is nowhere to be found:
The last stage in creating what marketing executives call MINDSHARE, invloves what the potential customer thinks about when the new companies' name is mentioned, and what percentage of the audience responds favorably to the stimulus
These facts are deeply troubling, as the finances of the USA appear to have been destroyed on purpose. Red China may be our opponents in what may quickly evolve into World War III, which has, of course, been done to bring the world ever closer to that New World Order that the global elite covet so much. In addition to IBM's PC business being bought out by LENOVO, the USA has an increasingly problematic trade deficit, of which Red China is a major contributing factor.
There are also concerns that companies such as LENOVO are infiltrated or owned outright by the People's Liberation Army of Red China, concerns that I personally share, given the behind-the-scenes machinations of global trade and the politics thereof. These allegations, if they are in fact true, deliver an entirely new level of problems, as they are influenced by the Red Chinese military --- a force that the USA military may be soon engaging on the battlefield --- as Red China is known to be an ally of Iran --- the country that the Bush junta is making the moves to invade some time at the end of March 2006.
Red China is beating the U.S. economy via a series of highly-favorable free-trade agreements, which are so ridiculous at face value, that they HAD to have been written that way to achieve the all-out economic defeat of the United States of America, a nation that once boasted the strongest economy of any nation on the planet.
And, what has been the response by our traitorous elected officials, who commit treason by their signing such agreements?
Instead of reigning in the out of control spending (Bush Jr. has spent more money than all previous Presidents combined), their brilliant plan is to keep raising the debt-ceiling, as has just been done YET AGAIN. This is malfeasance on a mass scale, which has to be assumed to be done on purpose, and is not the product of an unfortunate accident, as they like to portray such things.
Yeah, its' all an accident ...
The hard assets of the USA are being sold off piecemeal, and have been transfered into the hands of foreign agents and agencies. With a small percentage of people standing up for TRUTH --- our enemies have not been dissuaded from their own agenda. In fact, they laugh at how EASY it all is to FOOL MOST OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME.
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
IBM Sells PC Business To Red China Concern (June 30, 2005)
Study Documents Negative Impact of U.S. Trade Deficit with China (January 11, 2005)
Addressing Concerns On The Growing US-China Trade Deficit (March 5, 1999)
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