Still More 'JERICHO' Symbolism
The CBS-TV television drama JERICHO foretells of thermonuclear war on American soil. On the February 28, 2007 episode, entitled BLACK JACK, still more GLOBAL ELITE symbolism was presented to unknowing viewers all across AmeriKa.
by Kentroversy
This past weeks' episode of JERICHO was replete with the symbolism of the forthcoming nuclear attack on America, which has been shown in this weekly drama, and '24' as well. I have been consistently asked about WHAT DATE in 2007 is the most likely date upon which a false-flag terror attack would occur on U.S. soil. For the past couple of weeks, I have been taking a look at this, and I have arrived at an answer to this most pressing question.
As anyone who has been reading the material on my website is already well aware, the GLOBAL ELITE CABAL are obsessed with symbolism and ritual in all events of their design and undertaking. In fact, they do this because they believe that it empowers them and empowers the event to maintain their tight-fisted control of WE THE PEOPLE.
This forthcoming event is no different in this regard.
As I have previously written on THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS website, there are two shows on network TV at the moment that have shown multiple nuclear bomb attacks on several cities of the USA. These shows are 24 (FOX-TV) and JERICHO (CBS-TV). In fact, this previous Wednesday night’s episode of JERICHO showed a clock onscreen that was displaying the time 9:02am. This is a direct symbolic allusion to the Oklahoma City bombing, a false-flag attack carried out by the CIA operative Timothy McVeigh — who is STILL ALIVE and is currently working in South America for the CIA.
My website will contain a screen shot of a map that shows all of the GROUND ZERO attack zones from JERICHO.
The city that keeps coming up again and again is LOS ANGELES, or HELL A, as my friend Kevin refers to it.
So, what is the date?
October 13, 2007 just so happens to be the 700th anniversary of the infamous FRIDAY THE 13th arrests of the KINGHTS TEMPLAR by King Phillip IV of France (Phillip The Fair). This was a major event that is found within the mythos surrounding high-level Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, as well. So, based upon their penchant for symbolism and their bloodlust for REVENGE — this is THE MOST LIKELY date of all of 2007 on which a false-flag event may take place.
Please check out the following page for details of the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ARREST and this action is the TRUE GENESIS of the UNLUCKY FRIDAY THE 13th superstition:
The Knights Templar Arrested 1307: Unlucky 13?
Regarding the symbolism of JERICHO, in the February 28, 2007 episode entitled BLACK JACK -- please take a look at the following screen shots:
This first screenshot above shows the locations of the GROUND ZERO areas, where the nuclear bombs have gone off, and the fractured state of the country, as a result of the attacks. This map also shows the SIX capitol zones of the federal government, which had successfully balkanized the nation -- splitting it up into seperate warring factions. Incidentally, there are twenty-two blast zones, which itself contains Qabalistic symbolism, equating with the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and the twenty-two cards in the Tarot's major arcana.
This second screen shot shows the time of 9:02am, which is an allusion to the Oklahoma City bombing, and April 19th is what the American militia movement equates to PATRIOT'S DAY. April 19, 1775 contains significance, as well. On that date in Lexington, Massachusetts "The Shot Heard 'Round The World" took place. This patriotic event is one reason why that date is considered to be PATRIOT'S DAY to those in the American militia movement. I need to point out that in this context, the word MILITIA refers to a "citizen's military." Perhaps symbolically, this refers to another major attack that may be on the way.
This third screen shot contains the words GROUND ZERO -- which every dictionary defines as a spot on the earth's surface immediately above or below an exploding NUCLEAR BOMB. This makes one wonder WHY the government and the media INSIST on calling the World Trade Center site GROUND ZERO?
The matter of fiction showing us all future events is one that I have noticed in the early 1990's, when certain shows like La Femme Nikita on the USA Network were showing terrorist events that would later come to pass in the real world, such as the infamous incident involving the X-FILES spin-off THE LONE GUNMEN, which in its' first episode, showed the World Trade Center being attacked by an airplane, for the purpose of beginning a FAKE War On Terror.
Art imitating life, or life imitating art?
Hmmm . . .
© 2007 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode (excerpt) (March 4, 2001)
CBS-TV Jericho webpage
Anatomy of a False-Flag Terrorist Attack - Part One (July 21, 2006)
Anatomy of a False-Flag Terrorist Attack - Part Two (July 27, 2006)
Anatomy of a False-Flag Terrorist Attack - Part Three (July 30, 2006)
9:02 am
False-Flag Terrorist Attack
The Lone Gunmen
Oklahoma City Bombing
I'll remember that date, Ken. If'n yer wrong we'll share a good harty laugh. If'n yer right I'll never laugh again.
Good work I agree with your hypothesis.. Bearden's America At the Brink talks about suitcase nukes and that they have been waiting for some kind of manchurian candidate trigger to put these weapons on the clock. This may be one of the mechanisms (movies and TV) that "triggers" these gladio type warriors. It would be interesting to watch for "weird" dialogue that may trigger these individuals. I think they get away with plausible deniability if nothing can be proved.
Freeman from the Freeman Perspective said this same date weeks ago for the same reasons plus more. Search conspiracycentral for torrents of his radio shows, mainly the From the Bunker and Red Ice Radio appearances.
Greetings, AWood:
Freeman is a personal friend of mine, plus I am a RED ICE affiliated journalist. They are also friends of mine, and regularly post my news articles, and I have done their show RED ICE RADIO and I will be doing it again in a few weeks, probably in April.
I had also done the Freeman Perspective show, on March 28, 2006. It is on Google Video.
I have helped Freeman with his research, and he has helped me with mine. The basis of our friendship is that we both respect each other's abilities, and we help out one another whenever possible.
Warmest Regards,
Buffalo, New York USA
Publisher; The Kentrovery Papers
Sorry, but I think you are one of many nut cases out there with nothing better to do than predict the end of the world. Do you realize how many have predicted specific dates that have come and gone? Please get a life and stop spreading paranoia. You need some good meds, weird one.
Greetings, Anonymous:
I do not know what paranoia YOU are talking about, as all I am doing is pointing out global elite symbolism in a television program. Oh yeah, there IS a REASON WHY they are called television PROGRAMS, as they PROGRAM the minds of the viewing audience.
And yes, my anonymous friend, there IS A REASON WHY the audience is being shown the country being blown apart by nuclear weapons on '24' and 'JERICHO' -- WHY do YOU suppose THAT is?
Perhaps you should write to FOX-TV and CBS-TV, as THEY are the ones spreading paranoia, and not me.
I only report things as they appear to me . . .
Warmest Regards,
Buffalo, New York USA
I was wondering why Los Angeles keeps comming up as a possible site?
Why LOS ANGELES keeps coming up as a possible false-flag attack site, I have been trying to ascertain. It is the mass media that keeps showing L.A. in this context, and I am trying to figure out what advantage there is to bombing L.A.
Just as the X-FILES spin-off series THE LONE GUNMEN showed the 9/11 attacks in their premeiere episode on March 4, 2001 -- six months BEFORE the real attack -- they are now showing nuclear bombs going off in the country -- on the shows '24' (FOX-TV) and 'JERICHO' (CBS-TV) .
What I know is that both NYC and LA are the number one and number two biggest cities in the entire USA. Perhaps if no one in these two cities are safe, then no one in the rest of the country could feel safe as well.
This has great advantage as a propaganda tool, as in the destabilization of the entire country, is to be gained in this scenario -- whether they actually bomb it or not. Either way, it STILL raises FEAR in the hearts and minds of AmeriKans throughout the nation.
Warmest Regards,
Buffalo, New York USA
How's this? LA detonation to trigger the earthquake/volcano events (see ENTEMENAKI), moving Agenda 21 and the Apollo Alliance projects further along?
Greetings, Bruno:
You are coorrect in your assessment of AGENDA 21 and Apollo Alliance.
You do appear to understand the BIGGER PICTURE.
Warmest Regards,
Buffalo, New York USA
There may be a symbolic reference in the symbol of the sun working here. If you consider New York in the east, New Orleans in the south and LA in the west, the complete cycle to the north may have been revealed in yet one more movie "Canadian Bacon" which is crammed full with symbols and even looks to me like one of the precursers for 911.
Sun rising in the east, moving south and setting in the west and supposedly out of sight in the north. The north position would be the completion of the calendar.
Hi Kent;
After reading your choice of dates
I believe April 19th has the higher
probability for the following reasons
October 13th falls on a Saturday when
everyone is home. April 19th falls on
a Thursday for maximum emotional impact.
Just for grins we did a search of
pagan/satanic holidays and came up
with the following
Apr.21(or 19) to 26 Preparation for the Sacrifice
Apr. 21 to 29 Preparation time for sacrifice
Apr.26 (-31)Grand Climax
Apr. 30 Beltane or Walpurgisnacht:Day of lust and indulgence.
Apr. 30 Solstice
April 19th; preparation for sacrifice of the patriots would
be where I placed my bet
Dlk Yelm Washington
Greetings, Dik:
The dates that you posted were inaccurate. For instance, the Summer and Winter Solstices DO NOT take place on April 30th.
In 2007, the Summer Solstice takes place on June 21st, and the Winter Solstice is December 22nd.
The source of this data is the following page:
U.S. Naval Observatory - Earth's Seasons 1992-2020
Warmest Regards,
Buffalo, New York USA
Have you seen the show "Mind Control with Derren Brown"? If you have, these techniques are used daily on TV and radio. Be ready and Godspeed!
Yes, I have seen Mind Control With Derren Brown. It is a show that can provide great insights -- providing one knows what they are looking for.
Personally, I believe that most people are so asleep that they do not realize the depth of what is being shown on this 'program.'
They call them television 'programs' for a reason, you know.
Warmest Regards,
Buffalo, NY USA
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