New Bin Laden Tape Likely A Fake
If you look closely at the BACKGROUND of the screenshot above, you should recognize that it has been shot in front of a BLUE SCREEN, just as have all the previous Bin Laden tapes.
It has been written that "dead men tell no tales," and this is certainly true of Osama Bin Laden, who is known to have died several years ago. Both Bush Jr. and Rumsfeld have admitted so publicly over the past year or so. So, imagine my boredom when a "NEW" Bin Laden tape surfaced recently. Now that Bush's ratings are at a historical all-time low, another Bin Laden tape surfaces from Al-CIAaeda, of which Osama Bin Laden (or Tim Osman) is a known asset.
In fact, the CIA alias of Tim Osman (or Oz-Man) is particularly interesting, as it is a direct reference to the 1939 film THE WIZARD OF OZ, in which the "man behind the screen" was proven to be a little pissed-off man, whose mental hold over his people was far greater than his own personal power.
This is EXACTLY the case with Osama Bin Laden ...
I'll say that again ... Osama Bin Laden's mental hold over the people is much stronger than his own personal power.
I have suspected for awhile now that these "tapes" of Bin Laden were blue screen films, but now the screenshot above provides prima facie evidence that these tapes were filmed long ago, and are periodically hauled out by the Neo-Nazi-Cons whenever it suits their own agenda to do so. For example, currently Bush Jr. is at a low-point in his 'residency, therefore, this greatly increases the probability of a false-flag terror event on U.S. soil.
These scum are NOT going to slink away quietly into the dark night from which they came --- and this greatly increases the chances of a future attack "to keep the AmeriKan sheeple in line."
However, we are now reaching critical mass in THE TRUTH versus THE LIES of the Cheney-Bush cabal --- and it is very nice that a professor at Duke University has publically spoken out against the tape, calling it a fake. Read the report below for more information on this brave soul, who is risking tenure to tell the truth.
As far as what the next terror attack might look like, it is highly likely to be on the West Coast, in either Los Angeles or San Francisco. The target will be something BIG, and it will be on an order of magnitude many times greater than 9/11, it will be needed to create that Shock and Awe that they so desperately need to keep the public frightened.
It looks like it will be a dirty suitcase nuke, with a biological component, such as Depleted Uranium or something along those lines. The next attack will murder many more people that 9/11, where many people left the buildings to save themselves. 9/11 should have killed much more than it did, and that figure was supposed to be in the 10,000 to 25,000 range. Just the fact alone that all workers were told to stay in the building, was very suspect to me on that day, and remains suspect to this very day.
It shows on who's side building management was, doesn't it?
NOTE: In the GOOGLE SEARCH below, check out the various pictures taken from the various Bin Laden communications. They are all very similar, in that they show "Tim Osman" in a variety of extremely similar poses. Also notice that giveaway blue screen shadow "corona" that surrounds the outside edges of his body.
These are ALL blue screen shots, every single one of them!
I have been studying this for years by examining these images in Photoshop, and they ALL contain these blue screen artifacts.
AmeriKa, you fear a GHOST!
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Bartlett, John - Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (17th Edition); Little Brown & Company, 2002, pg. 283, verse 26.
NOTE: This quote first appeared in a 1681 play entitled "The Spanish Friar."
BBC News - New Bin Laden tape transcript (January 19, 2006 5:53pm)
NPR - Bin Laden Tape Warns of New Attacks on the U.S. (January 19, 2006)
Al-Jazerra - BinLaden Offers Americans Truce (January 19, 2006 8:43pm
Duke Professor Skeptical of bin Laden Tape; January 19, 2006
I agree about the lies versus the facts reaching critical mass. However, unless someone that owns a media outlet starts this down the path of no return then we have to wait until everyone has had enough.
I wish I had a friend at the New York Times that was willing / had the power to make this happen.
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