Thursday, March 02, 2006

If We Lose The Fight, Here Will Be The Reasons Why

If we lose the fight for freedom and to save the Constitution, it will be because more Americans know characters from "The Simpson's" than they know that founding document!

by Kentroversy

On March 1, 2006 a foundation funded by the Chicago Tribune mainstream newspaper, released a report that found more Americans able to name the five members of THE SIMPSON'S television cartoon family, than could name the five rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

While the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum claims that they are "committed to helping Americans increase their knowledge and understanding of our freedoms, especially those fundamental rights guaranteed by the First Amendment," it is more likely that a poll such as this is done to guage whether or not the desired societial conditioning has been successful.

If this poll was indeed taken by the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum for the purposes of testing the success of psychological conditioning, it would have been done for the reasons of something that the globalists call SHOCK TESTING. Its' purpose is to guage societies response to certain elements of an agenda that is being forwarded and excellerated by those who already feel that they have won the battle for America's soul.

Every so often, a trial balloon is floated in the American mass media, and the purpose is to see how far they can push things, without raising the attention of too many people. This might be an article on concentration camps, torture of small children, or RFID technologies, for example of SOME of what these people are capable. The public's response is watched and monitored, and then they can go back to their propaganda, pulling back a bit, while they reassess and come at their target populaton from another direction. This is all monitored 24/7/365.

First of all, dear reader, do YOU know the FIVE FREEDOMS protected by the First Amendment?

  • Freedom of Religion

  • Freedom of Speech

  • Freedom of the Press

  • Freedom of Peaceable Assembly

  • Freedom to Petition For Redress of Grievances

While 72% of poll respondents knew that there was Freedom of Speech as one of the rights protected by the First Amendment, their knowledge of the other four freedoms drops precipitiously.


  • Only 25% mentioned freedom of religion, and only 10% answered freedom of the press or freedom of assembly. Freedom to petition for redress of grievances was known by 1%, which is only 10 of the 1,000 polled.

  • 72% could name at least one of the five Constitutional rights, only 28% knew two or more of them. Only 8% could name three or more, and only 2% naming four. Incredibly, only one single person of the 1,000 polled was able to name all five.

  • 10% incorrectly stated that the right to bear arms was a First Amendment protection, when in actuality it is what the Second Amendment is all about.

  • A majority falsely believe that the right to vote and the right to a trial by jury were First Amendment protections.

  • More than 33% believe that the First Amendment protects the right to own a gun, the right to an attorney, the right against self-incrimination, the right of women to vote, and the right to a public education.

  • 20% of the respondants stated that the right to own and raise pets and the right to drive an automobile were First Amendment rights as well.

  • While only one single person could name all five First Amendment freedoms, which is one-tenth of one-percent, a full 20% of Americans could name all five Simpson's characters. 52% could name at least two characters of The Simpson's, but only 28% were able to remember at least two of the First Amendment freedoms.

  • Americans know their American Idol judges better than their Constitution. 25% could name all three judges, 41% could name two of three, and 25% knew all three.

Named as First Amendment Freedoms:

  • Speech = 69%

  • Religion = 24%

  • Press = 11%

  • Assembly = 10%

  • Petition = 1%

  • Bear Arms = 11%

  • Pursue Happiness = 6%

  • Don't Know = 19%

And, if the above doesn't concern you about the current state of the American mind, take a look at some of the incorrect attributions provided by the respondants:

  • The right to worship as you please = 78%

  • The right to criticize the government = 73%

  • The right to a trial by a jury = 55%

  • The right to vote = 53%

  • The right to own a gun = 45%

  • The right to an attorney = 44%

  • The right against self incrimination = 38%

  • The right of women to vote = 36%

  • The right to a public education = 36%

  • The right to own and raise pets = 21%

  • The right to drive a car = 17%


  • Bart = 61%

  • Homer = 51%

  • Marge = 43%

  • Lisa = 34%

  • Maggie = 29%

  • Other = 4%

  • Don’t know = 34%

Number of Simpson's Characters Correctly Identified:

  • 5 of 5 = 22%

  • 4 of 5 = 12%

  • 3 of 5 = 9%

  • 2 of 5 = 9%

  • 1 of 5 = 13%

  • 0 of 5 = 35%


Comparing further the American popular culture to the Constitution, poll respondants were asked to identify the first name of each of the three judges on the show.

  • Paula = 49%

  • Simon = 45%

  • Randy = 26%

  • Other = 4%

  • Don’t know = 44%

Number of judges correctly identified:

  • 3 out of 3 = 24%

  • 2 out of 3 = 17%

  • 1 out of 3 = 13%

  • 0 out of 3 = 46%


  • "Keeps going and going and going." - Energizer 65%

  • "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight." - Federal Express 61%

  • "What happens here, stays here." - Las Vegas Tourism Board 54%

  • "I'm lovin' it." - McDonald's 36%

  • "Ding! You are free to move about the country." - Southwest Airlines 28%

The recall of these five ad slogans surpassed any knowledge of the First Amendment, and the protections it guarantees. 92% got at least one ad slogan correct, and 74% got at least two correct. 48% got three or more correct, 25% knew four slogans, and 7% got all five.

While only 0.1% knew all five freedoms, 7% knew all five ad slogans, which is seventy times the number who know our freedoms, which is quite frankly, a bit depressing to ponder.

However, on pg. 10 of the report, the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum makes a rather interesting admission:

"This comparison [of ad slogans versus first amendment freedoms] may be slightly unfair, however, since slogans were provided as memory prompts, whereas no prompts were offered regarding the five First Amendment freedoms."

This single sentence may explain and justify some of the reasons why a poll like this can be easily slanted to return any desired result.


If we extrapolate the one-in-a-thousand knowledge of the five First Amendment freedoms, we end up with a number of approximately 300,000 people. This is very close to the stated numbers listed in the Neo-Nazi-Con Terrorism Watch List Database, which is said by Alberto Gonzales to contain 320,000 names.

In the sources section below, is the link for a PDF FILE of the full report, which chilled me to the bone.

The results of this report also prove that an important piece of our own nation's history is being concealed, as the Constitution is dismantled one piece at a time.

They say that we can never miss something we never knew we had, and this is especially true of the Constitution and the First Amendment. This is no longer taught in the Pavlovian hell that is the public school. When someone is seventy times more likely to know a cartoon family than their own countries' Constitution, something is definitely WRONG.

But, how to fix it?

THAT is the million-dollar question!

© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.


The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .

Characters From "The Simpson's" More Well Known To Americans Than Their First Amendment Freedoms, Survey Finds (March 1, 2006)

Characters From "The Simpson's" More Well Known To Americans Than Their First Amendment Freedoms, Survey Finds (March 1, 2006) PDF File Download of Entire Report


  1. 1 out of 1000 is 0.1%, NOT 0.01%.

  2. Greetings:

    Thanks, math was NOT my better subject in school.

    Buffalo, New York USA
