Iran War To Begin March 20-26, 2006?

Look at the date of this TIME magazine cover. It is March 29, 1982 --- the more that things change, the more they stay the same!! (click image to enlarge)
On March 13, 2006, it was announced that the week of March 20-26, 2006 might prove crucial in the upcoming attack on Iran. The IRAN OIL BOURSE (foreign stock market in a non-English speaking country) is scheduled to change from U.S. dollars to the more stable Euro currency on March 20, 2006; and swift and exacting retaliation from the Bush Crime Family should be expected.
Incoming intelligence shows that if the globalists stick with their numeric symbolism, the date of the Iran war should be the 26th of March, which the 26 matches the 26 of the year 2006. This is the date that I would bet on, if I were a gambler (which I am not). But, if I had to pick one of the days in this particular week, the 26th makes the most sense, in terms of occult numeric symbology, of which these people are fanatical about incorporating in everything they do.
Just like their counterparts in street gangs, the globalists have to mark or tag everything they do. This is done for three reasons:
- To claim responsibility for the act
- To follow established occult numerology and symbology
- To communicate a message to other initiates
Just like their street counterparts, the globalists' incorporate the numeric symbolism in EVERYTHING they do. Once a person who studies such things becomes aware of the MEANING behind this symbolism, it is fairly easy to identify the culprits, as in the sheer number of the incidences of the number ELEVEN associated with the 9/11 false-flag terror events.
There is a very specific reason why the Bush Crime Family has become so fanatical about maintaining the imperial dominance of the USA and its' military. This is because the USA has nearly reached the POINT OF NO RETURN as far as the economy is concerned. For the specific reasons why, please check out my SPECIAL REPORT on THE COMING FINANCIAL CRASH, which is listed in the SPECIAL REPORTS section of the front page of this site.
When an empire nears collapse, as AmeriKa is in the process of at this very moment, there is only one thing that keeps them going financially, and that is war-mongering. The emergency of war is what pushes through funding and spending bills in a quick fashion, and this very thing is exactly what happened when the 9/11 attacks brought forth the BOOGEYMAN of terrorism home to the shores of our once-great nation.
In the groundbreaking whistleblowing book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE (pg. 49), author William Cooper, a retired Naval Intelligence Officer, had the following to say about war:
“Remember that inflation is only the act of printing money in excess of Gross National Product. They could blame it on the price of widgets or oil only because you never knew the real cause. The real cause and only cause of inflation is the printing of more money beyond the Gross National Product.
They must eventually resort to war to balance the account, because war ultimately is merely the act of destroying the creditor, and the politicians are the publicly hired hit men that justify the act to keep the responsibility and blood off the public conscience."
Sadly, William Cooper had been assassinated by agents of the new world order on November 5, 2001, in an illegal raid on his home in Eager, Arizona USA. This is how powerful this book was, and a 42-hour radio series he did entitled MYSTERY BABYLON. This radio series is simply the most amazing and most powerful thing I have ever heard, and at 42 hours in length, it represents a MAGNUM OPUS MASTERWORK of patriotism, truth-telling, whistleblowing, and it shows a complete mastery of the subject matter that Cooper was broadcasting about.
If anyone reading these words is interested in knowing ALL the secrets of the BABYLON MYSTERY SCHOOL, please run a search for "MYSTERY BABYLON WILLIAM COOPER" on Google for more information on this earth-shattering series of broadcasts.
Here is the information on the book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE:

Touted as the bestselling underground book of all time, this book was written by a retired Naval Intelligence Officer William Cooper, who pulled no punches, and named names. Published in 1991, it contains information on the planned and emergent police state, the North American Union, and if you had to read ONLY ONE BOOK on this list, this is the book it should be. This book is also known as the most frequently shoplifted book from BORDER'S.
Sadly, Mr. Cooper paid a high price for his whistleblowing, as he was assassinated by agents of the new world order on November 5, 2001, in a staged SWAT raid on his home. But, as he himself often said; "I would rather die a patriot, than live as a coward."
Behold A Pale Horse - William Cooper (1991)
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All rights reserved. Used with permission.
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