Saturday, March 25, 2006

Santa Clarita Woman, 78, Asked To Enlist As Marine

Sonia Goldstein, 78, thought it was hilarious when she received a recruitment letter from the Marine Corps.

KENTROVERSY COMMENT: The U.S. miltary would like us all to believe that a 78 year-old woman receiving a Marine recruitment letter, was just an unfortunate mistake. However, the vast amount of advanced technology at their disposal, leads me to believe otherwise. Just with the Iraq war, they have already raised the recruitment age, with people in their 40's, 50's, and 60's being recalled for ACTIVE DUTY. This speaks to how strained the U.S. military is, and they haven't yet gone after Iran, Syria, Red China, and Communist Russia.

To go after these other countries as listed above, they are going to HAVE TO reactivate the MILITARY DRAFT. They will make up some excuse as to WHY the draft will be needed, and we all should expect MASSIVE PROTESTS after this occurs.

Santa Clarita Woman, 78, Asked To Enlist As Marine
Associated Press | March 24, 2006 11:44pm

(AP) SAUGUS, Calif. Sonia Goldstein was flattered by the nice recruiting letter asking her to consider becoming one of "the few, the proud."

But at age 78, she thinks she may be just a little old to enlist in the Marine Corps.

The letter told her the corps could use her unique language skills, but also warned that life as a Marine would test her physical and mental abilities.

Goldstein says she'll do whatever she can for her country, but this is kind of stretching it

The Marines ordinarily recruit people 18 to 27, says Major Joseph Kloppel, a Corps spokesman. He says the letter must have been sent by mistake.

© 2006 The Associated Press.
All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.


The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .

Santa Clarita Woman, 78, Asked To Enlist As Marine (March 24, 2006 11:44pm)

Recruitment: Insider's Guide To Joining The Marine Corps. - Do Military Recruiters Mislead Potential Recruits?

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