Friday, April 07, 2006

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!

On November 24, 2002 Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes fame, declared his belief that Osama Bin Laden was dead. I concur with this assessment 1,000%


Since 9/11, haven't YOU wondered whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden? He was supposed to be the central target of this bogus WAR ON TERROR, do you remember that? I sure do. I knew from the first moment when they announced that it was Osama Bin Laden who masterminded 9/11, that it was a lie. You see, Osama had bad kidneys. And being from one of the wealthiest families on the planet, he was able to BUY himself a kidney transplant.

Skip ahead to November 24, 2002 . . .

In that day's Sunday newspaper, 60 MINUTES perennial curmudgeon Andy Rooney ran the column of which you will find a color photocopy at the head of this article. In this column, it states that "Osama Bin Laden is dead." Mr. Rooney goes on to state that a videotape sent from Bin Laden was such poor quality, that the analysts could say ascertain for sure if the voice on the tape was in fact, Bin Laden's.

Rooney then makes a killer statement:

"The fact that the tape was poor quality makes me suspicious. Bin Laden's people are very good with technical equipment. They knew how to plan the details of bringing down the World Trade Center towers, and they would certaionly be capable of taping any statement their leader wished to make and releasing it to the world."

And Mr. Rooney was far from through laying it on the line:

"I don't like being suspicious of my own government, but this is the most secretive government the nited States has ever had. You have to consider what reason our leaders might have for perpetuating the idea that Bin Laden is alive. I suppose our war on terror would lose some of its' urgency if the main object of our search were proved to be dead. That would be one reason for our government to continue saying that Bin Laden is alive. They wouldn't lie to us, would they?"

If Osama Bin Laden was still alive, wouldn't he be engaged in some sort of pissing match with Bush Jr.? And, the United States is known to have the most advanced surveillance equipment on the planet. Then, why cannot we locate this individual? Why cannot our technology pick up a phone call, an Internet IP, an e-mail, cell phone?

Dead men make no phone calls . . .

While this article has long since fallen into the memory hole, and has been deleted from the archives of The Buffalo News, but, you can still read it here at THE KENTROVRSY PAPERS.

Read the entire column at the top of this article.

© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.


The following source was used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .

Rooney, Andy - There Is No Osama Bin Laden; Buffalo News; November 24, 2002. pg. H-3.

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