Ten Myths of 9/11 Shattered
The real CONSPIRACY THEORIES of 9/11 come from a complicit U.S. government.
by Kentroversy
The tragic events of 9/11 have been carefully manipulated by U.S. government propagandists, all for the purpose of attempting to convince the AmeriKan public that the horrors they saw on that day were carried out by terror masterminds tucked away in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan, with nothing more than a laptop computer. In short, this explanation is so far beyond credulity, that it would be laughable, were it not for the 3,000 people that died on that day. This explaination is so ridiculous, that it is not believable, as in a recent poll, taken on the heels of CHARLIE SHEEN'S public declaration on the ALEX JONES radio show, that 9/11 was a government inside-job. 84% of those polled agreed with Charlie Sheen's assessment --- 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB.
84% of Americans believe that 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB, according to this recent CNN poll.
The public mythology of 9/11 has tried to explain away the events of that day by the use of many impossibilities, which I will describe immediately below:
MYTH # 1 - "The U.S. government would never do such a thing, as it is too evil."
The Bush Jr. administration has already been caught involved in some pretty horrible actions, such as the torture and indefinite detention of alleged terror suspects in places like Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Gharib. The Bush Crime Family has also been caught involved in outsourced torture of detainees by a method known as RENDITION. The CIA has been flying these people out of the country, to be tortured outside the United States, and beyond the reach of our nation's laws and ethical standards.
Therefore, it is not too much of a stretch of the immigination for the Bush Crime Family to be involved in actions that nullify the GENEVA CONVENTIONS ban on the mistreatment of prisoners in our nation's custody. Many have posited that by our country doing this to OUR prisoners, leaves us wide open to attacks upon our own soldiers being held by those enemy nations who find Bush Jr's actions to be repugnant, and WAR CRIMES, besides.
We just might be only seeing the beginning of this abusive behavior, and just wait until the next case of false-flag terrorism, and we might really see these people get down to the real dirty business of being EVIL.
Bush Jr. is a member of the BOHEMIAN CLUB, and every July, meets in the BOHEMIAN GROVE for the annual CREAMATION OF CARE black magick ritual. This ritual was captured by the hidden camera of ALEX JONES, who infiltrated the ritual on July 15, 2000. This ritual is designed to sacrifice the CARES that these traitor leaders feel toward the people they rule over, and this is how they can lead people to their deaths, without blinking an eye.
MYTH # 2 - "The U.S. government had no motive or anything to gain by carrying out 9/11."
The Bush Crime Family had plenty of motives to carry out 9/11; but for the sake of brevity, I will focus on three things. First, 9/11 provided the pretext for a PEARL HARBOR like event, which was stated in the Project For The New American Century (PNAC) document entitled REBUILDING AMERICA'S DEFENSES, which was written and published BEFORE the stolen election of 2000. This alone points to complicity, especially given what Bush Jr. wrote in his diary on the night of 9/11:
"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today."
--- George Bush Jr., as written in his Presidential diary on 9/11 (11:30pm)
Now, this can be viewed in one of two ways; this either points to complicity, or was one hell of a fucking coincidence!
However, when this is taken in addition to the Andrew Card whisper into Jr's ear at Emma Booker Elementary School, where the smirking chimp looked like a deer in headlights, as he sat there for a full seven minutes without moving as the children read a story called MY PET GOAT (Baphomet, anyone?!) --- this alone is prima facie evidence of GUILT.
MYTH # 3 - "There could never have been complete secrecy with so many people involved."
All governments are riddled with levels of secrecy, national security codes, and a management technique that is known as COMPARTMENTALIZATION, where individuals are told small amounts of information on a NEED TO KNOW basis, information that relates ONLY to their own small part of the picture. This is done in this way so that ONLY the highest level agents are aware of the BIG PICTURE, and those lower in the management structure know ONLY what they need to know to perform their small part of a bigger whole.
Also, intelligence agents sign NON-DISCLOSSURE AGREEMENTS and take oaths of secrecy, which are taken extremely seriously. These people are not even allowed or permitted to tell their spouse about the specific details of their job and career.
How do I know about this? Well, a certain female member of my family about twenty-three years ago, married a man who called himself a CONSULTANT. All we knew about this guy was that he frequently travelled to countries and areas that were in the nightly national news, and that he claimed to be a business consultant. Well, one fine summer day, we had a family gathering, and this CONSULTANT shows up with his new wife. He had just gotten back from Afghanistan, and we had a barbeque cook-out for my uncle, who was having a birthday.
My father and I were refilling our drinks at the bar, and Mr. CONSULTANT walks up to my father and I and begins small talk. Suddenly, without warning, I ask this man the following question:
"So, how long have you worked for the CIA?"
My father and I had been talking about this, and I told him that I was going to mention it the next time I saw him. This guy was dumbfounded, and pulled me aside, and began asking me to explain HOW it was I knew where he worked. I got in a lot of trouble for this, and he and my female relative ended up getting a "divorce." However, what I later found out was that he had been transferred and assumed a new identity. And this was all because I had OUTTED HIM.
I got into a lot of trouble over this at the time.
So, if anyone thinks that there was no way we could keep a secret like this, needs to understand that there are entire departments of the government dedicated to this secrecy.
These would be the following agencies related to the national intelligence community:
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
- Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
- State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)
Every single one of the above agencies uses secrecy oaths, levels of security access, and compartmentalization, so that anyone IN THE KNOW would be of sufficiently advanced knowledge and security access.
Other ways in which people are kept QUIET on issues such as this are threats, intimidation, bribery, and for those most uncooperative, will find themselves set up, so that they self-incriminate.
Using these techniques, SECRECY is not only desired, it is required!
MYTH # 4 - "Cell phone calls were made from the doomed airplanes to various passenger family members."
Here, the reader is referred to PROJECT ACHILLES, which was a project where cell phone calls were attempted from an airplane. The project was paid for with private funds, and a report filed by A. K. Dewdney, which can be read on the Physics 9/11 website, the link for which can be found below, in the sources section at the end of the article.
What PROJECT ACHILLES proved BEYOND ALL DOUBT was that it was technologically impossible to make cell phone calls from the American and United planes. Take a look at the report for yourself, and weigh the evidence in your own mind. Does it pass the test of believability?
On Flight 93, there was a passenger named 'Mark Bingham.' Allegedly, he phoned his mother via cell phone from the doomed flight while it was in progress. And, what does 'Mark Bingham' say to his mother at the beginning of his call?
"Hello mother, this is Mark Bingham . . ."
Are you #*%!$@ kidding me?!
When YOU call your mother, do you annouce yourself, as if you had just met, by telling her your last name? Wouldn't your mother know your last name? It's her last name also, right? In fact, when you call your mother, doesn't she know your voice, so you barely even have to go so far as to say your first name?
When I talk to my own mother, she knows my voice so well, that I don't even have to say anything other than "Hello" and we are already well into our conversation.
Doesn't it strike you as slightly suspicious that these planes have these satellite phones in the back of the seats, and why aren't THEY cell phones? Do you know HOW MUCH it costs to place a call on a satellite phone? It's something like $5.00 a minute.
MYTH # 5 - "Al-Qaeda is an independent terrorist group that hates America for its' freedom and high standard of living."
The group now known as Al-Qaeda was originally known as the Mujahideen, when Russia invaded Afghanistan during the 1980's. This group was trained by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency, and their LEADER was codenamed TIM OSMAN. Tim Osman was the codename of OSAMA BIN LADEN, who was a known and admitted to be a CIA asset, until his death prior to 9/11.
This is the primary reason WHY most people now refer to this group as Al-CIAeda.
Now, if Al-CIAeda is in fact, a CIA asset, which is provable and admitted to by our own government, then this means that 9/11 was really carried out by CIA assets on behalf of a traitorous federal government under the direction of the Bush Crime Family and the Neo-Nazi-Cons.
MYTH # 6 - "Flight 93 was crashed into the ground by inexperienced passengers, who attempted to rescue the plane from the hijackers."
This is among the most ridiculously UNBELIEVABLE myths of all concerning 9/11. The government's OFFICIAL-FICTION of FLIGHT 93 tells us that the plane was hijacked, but, brave passengers FOUGHT BACK for control of the plane, crashing it into the ground, as they attempted to rescue themselves from certain doom.
Come on now, this is absolutely ABSURD and quite nonsensical --- and anyone still possessing a thinking mind should have no trouble seeing right through this LIE.
If YOU were on that plane, wouldn't you radio for help, and assistance in flying the plane to the nearest landing strip, as well as ask for help in landing the plane? I know I certainly would. I wouldn't be ramming it straight into the ground, killing everyone aboard.
But, that is NOT even what happened . . .
What DID happen, was this plane was SHOT DOWN, and there are plenty pieces of evidence that backs up this assertion.
For example, when a plane crashes into the ground, the following photo shows the resultant surrounding area:
In the above photo, we see the wreckage of a typical plane crash. The plane is visible in the wreckage shown in the photo, something that was NOT seen in the FLIGHT 93 wreckage, as seen below, is an empty pit with no plane visible anywhere.
In the two photos immediately above, we see the so-called crash site of FLIGHT 93. Missing is any wreckage from the plane, and there should be a HUGE FIREBALL and FIRE from the smoldering wreckage, which is conspiciously MISSING, just as it there was NO VISIBLE PLANE at the Pentagon crash site. Hmmmm . . .
This photo above shows the actual crash site of FLIGHT 93, which was an area six to eight miles in size. Usually when a plane crashes, the wreckage is spread out over several hundred yards and NOT six to eight miles! This is a photo taken from ABOVE, and it shows NO VISIBLE PLANE parts or wreckage. What is going on here, exactly?
This last photo is the most damaging to the government's own CONSPIRACY THEORY of the fate of FLIGHT 93, as it shows an airborne plume of smoke, just as is typically seen in ORDINANCE BLAST PHOTOS.
Here above, I have put together a series of photos that will allow the reader to contrast and compare the sight of the Flight 93 plume, with the ordinance blast photos from Afghanistan and Iraq. In the photo, left to right, we see; two ordinace blasts from Afghanistan, the Flight 93 ordinance blast, and an ordinance blast from Iraq can be found on the far right.
Even worse for the OFFICIAL-FICTION of the fate of FLIGHT 93, was the February 29, 2004 interview with Col. Donn De Grand-Pre on the ALEX JONES radio show. In this interview, Col. De Grand-Pre stated unequivoquically that the plane was shot-down, and furthermore, that he knew the pilot, and had spoken to him personally!
So, use a little COMMON SENSE and do not allow yourself to be swayed by nonsense and propaganda. Who has more to gain by lying about 9/11? Me, or the government occupied by the Bush Crime Family? I am NOT selling anything, no books, no DVD's, and I do not charge fees for public-speaking events and media interviews. The Bush Crime Family, on the other hand, has to prop up their PHONY WAR ON TERROR.
Here is a small excerpt from this interview:
Alex Jones - "Colonel, before we take these four final calls, go over that a little bit slower for folks. That's a big deal. You talked to the pilot, a friend of yours, who shot down Flight 93 that was going for the Capitol or the White House. And go over that for folks."
De Grand-Pre - "Okay, quick rundown. They were out of Hector Field, Fargo, North Dakota. A bunch, this 119 Fighter Group and they are called the Happy Hooligans. They are probably the best interceptors that we have in the country. They were moved to Langley Air Force Base from Hector Field down to Southern Virginia. And when the klaxon horn went off at 9:35, those two pilots put down their coffee and shot into their aircraft and took off. They didn't know where they were going initially but by 10:00 hours, they had rendezvoused over Southern Pennsylvania. That's about 250 miles in just a matter of minutes and engaged 93 with two side-winder missiles. And they accomplished their objective. Now Hector Field, I use to fly out of Hector Field some time ago. I know most of those pilots. I could name names. I know the National Guard Adj. General. And they were decorated about a year later and I have the full write up of that story in my book."
AJ - "Yeah and it's just ignored by the media. I have that article, too. And later, well okay, it was a missile, well there wasn't "Let's Roll." It's all made-up theatre for the public and we buy it like a bunch of saps."
DGP - "That is correct.
For those of you who are keeping track of the symbolism behind 9/11, allow me to point out that Col. De Grand-Pre said that it was the 119 Fighter Group that shot down FLIGHT 93.
119 . . . 9/11 . . . 119
The occult symbolism associated with 9/11 is continuously providing more data, the more I look into the matter.
MYTH # 7 - "9/11 was carried out by a group of terrorists from a cave in Afghanistan, using nothing more than a standard laptop computer."
For specific details on this, please see the KENTROVERSY PAPERS $10,000 9/11 CHALLENGE.
This is perhaps the singlemost laughable aspect of 9/11, because the ONLY way that these high-security military networks could be accessed from outside like this, is only with an insider mole somewhere within the government supplying the data to the cave-dwellers in Afghanistan.
This alone PROVES inside complicity to the attacks.
Remember this . . .
"He who gains most advantage from a crime, is the one most likely to have committed it.”
--- Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD) Roman philosopher, Dramatist, and Statesman
The Bush Crime Family had the MOST to gain from the 9/11 "Pearl harbor-like event," and therefore, it makes the most sense, that they are the ones' who likely carried out the attacks, just as when Bush Crime Family hero and former business partner Adolph Hitler did, when he burned the Reichstag (German government building) on February 27, 1933.
MYTH # 8 - "The 9/11 Commission was independent and their report was believable, and accurately described the horrible events of that day."
The 9/11 Commission Report was another Warren Commission, where the government traitors were investigating themselves. Nothing of true substance was discussed, and many people with SMOKING GUN evidence and revelations were PREVENTED from participating by giving their own testimony. WILLIAM RODRIGUEZ was the last human to come out of the Towers alive, and everywhere he travels outside the USA, he is considered a national hero. Inside the USA, however, he has been largely ignored, except for those patriot talk-radio hosts who have had them on their shows; talk-radio hosts such as Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and Greg Szymanski.
Initially, the 9/11 commission was supposed to be headed by WAR CRIMINAL Henry Kissinger, but massive public outcry defeated that forthrightly.
The 9/11 Commission was a SHAM, just as was the Warren Commission, which "investigated" the JFK assassination.
MYTH # 9 - "The FEMA report entitled 'World Trade Center Building Performance Study' accurately described the cause of the building collapse, which has become known as the PANCAKE THEORY."
Above, I have included the three diagrams upon which the entire PANCAKE THEORY has been built. Again, this is complete nonsense. Jet fuel is mostly kerosene, which does NOT burn anywhere hot enough to melt a single steel beam, let alone, an entire building made out of these steel beams! Generally speaking, kerosene burns at approximately HALF the temperature at which steel melts. The other problem with this model, is that in all of the available footage of the twin towers fires, the vast majority of the fireball was consumed within the first 30 seconds, and OUTSIDE the buildings! The fires quickly turned to smoldering BLACK SMOKE, which indicates an oxygen-starved fire.
Here above, we see the punchouts of the two towers, and two photos of the heavy steel girders that surrounded the outer walls of the two towers. The problem here is that airplanes are mostly lightweight aluminum and light steel. This would not have been able to sustain the plane as it flew through the towers. We would have seen the entire plane collapse and fall apart. So, in order to PUNCH a hole through the heavy steel girder system that surrounded the buildings' outter walls, some sort of PUNCHOUT device would have had to be used. On the DVD entitled IN PLANE SIGHT, a bright flash occurs as the plane approaches the building. This has lead many of us 9/11 researchers to suspect that this was done by launching a bomb or missile into the building a moment before the plane flies into the tower.
It is very important that you remember that in all the years since high-rise buildings appeared on the scene, there has NEVER BEFORE been a single incident of a plane flying into the building, and that building later falling in on itself. In spite of the fact that there have been far more serious fires, this has only happened ONCE.
That makes me very suspicious.
In these graphics above, the hearty construction of the WTC towers is featured. Thus, there is NO WAY that a light, mostly aluminum plane was going to penetrate this method of construction. The WTC towers had 47 heavy interior beams, four inches of concrete under the subfloor, and the outer walls of the towers were constructed out of an interlocking mesh of heavy metal support beams.
With the planes constructed out of mostly light aluminum and light weight metal, they NEVER would have penetrated that heavy metal grating system on the outside wall of the towers. So what would they be likely to use to penetrate this steel? That flash of light under the plane is a clue.
It just isn't possible to have happened the way they claim . . .
MYTH # 10 - "Bush Administration officials claimed that no one could have ever imagined the terrorists flying planes into buildings."
Here, I am just going to show a bunch of covers from various government reports of the late 1990's to 2000, which feature the WTC in crosshairs as part of the report's cover design. I have also included some other items that show complicity, such as THE COUP'S CD cover art for an album that was scheduled for release on 9/11 itself! There are also a coupl of other items, such as an Arabic calendar page for September 2001, and an advertisement for SANYO, which is self-explanatory.
In this first graphic, which is of an Islamic calendar for September 2001, shows a jet airliner swooping in toward New York City and the WTC Twin Towers.
This next graphic is a SANYO advertisement from 1998, which shows a jet flying near WTC-like buildings.
This next graphic is a cover from a FEMA report, dated June 1999. Take note of the WTC in the crosshairs. Surely something was going on here, but what, exactly?
Next, we have a connection between 9/11 and WMD's, as featured on the report cover, as shown above. The only problem, it was dated June 2000!
Finally, we have a CD cover for an album that was originally slated for release on September 11, 2001 (9/11). It was postponed, and this had to have been in advance, because in the USA, all new music releases arrive on Tuesday mornings, which was exactly the day of the week that 9/11 fell upon. This is clear evidence of foreknowledge, as the release of this CD was postponed, and was later released on November 6, 2001 (11/6).
Please take notice of the fact that these two dates of 9/11 and 11/6 are mirror inverses of one another!
Every single one of these images above point to foreknowledge on someone's part, and I ask you, WHO had the power to influence the designs of these report covers, calendars, and CD artwork?
Yes, who indeed?
And finally, there is the matter of the X-FILES spin-off show called THE LONE GUNMEN, in their very first 'pilot' episode, featured a plot that was going to use a jet airliner flown into the WTC towers as an excuse for a bogus WAR ON TERROR. This is on DVD, and it was a great show that spoke too much truth, and was summarily cancelled after only thirteen episodes.
Those who are interested in the symbolism aspect of 9/11 will be most intrigued to know that this LONE GUNMEN episode featuring the WTC in a plot to fly a jet into the building to start a WAR ON TERRORISM was broadcast on March 4, 2001. This date was exactly 191 days before 9/11, and the two numbers are an anagram of one another --- 191 and 911.
I couldn't make this up, because no one would believe it!
So, when CONDOM LISA of the Bush Crime Family gets up on TV and tells about how they never saw it coming, she is a fucking liar, and THAT'S the name of that tune!
The Bush Crime Family misjudged AmeriKa when they became so emboldened that they actually started believing all of their own b--- s--- and thought we were all too freakin' DUMB to catch on to what they were doing. The IMPEACHMENT proceedings are beginning to be planned for this summer, and I for one will be happy when that inbred little ninny and his sidekick are run out of town.
No, screw that --- these fuckers deserve to be HUNG on national TV!
That's a PAY-PER-VIEW that I would pay $49.95 for!
Bottom line . . . 9/11 was a fraud, a set-up, a scam, and sleight of hand.
Don't believe in the things about which your eyes play tricks on you!
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Col. Donn De Grand Pre - Alex Jones Show interview transcript (February 29, 2004)
Lone Gunmen - Pilot Episode
PNAC - Project For The New Century
PNAC - Rebuilding America's Defenses (PDF)
Mujahideen - Wikipedia
Project Achilles - A. K. Dewdney (January-April 2003)
Project Achilles
9/11 cell phone calls
Osama Bin Laden
Tim Osman
U.S. Government
Charlie Sheen
Alex Jones
war on terror
The Lone Gunmen
CNN Poll
Bush Crime Family
Geneva Conventions
Bohemian Club
Bohemian Grove
My Pet Goat
cell phones
Flight 93 shot down
official fiction
ordinance blast
Col. Donn De Grand-Pre
119 Fighter Group
Happy Hooligans
Langley Air Force Base
Hector Field
Let's Roll
Todd Beamer
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
smoking gun evidence
William Rodriguez
pancake theory
Central Intelligence Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
National Reconnaisance Office
National Security Agency
Office of Naval Intelligence
Office of Strategic Services
State Depratment Bureau of Intelligence and Research
One thing that ocurs to me about the occultic significance about the numbers 911 is that in our numbering system if you exclude the number "0" then there are actually only 9 numbers, 1 through 9 where "1" is the lowest or beginning and "9" is the highest or ending.
It seems to me that "1" and "9" might represent the beginning and ending of something.
So I just wonder weather the numbers 911 represent the completion of one age (1 and 9) with the remaining 1 being the beginning of a new age, being aquarius.
This theme seems to be incorporated into the book of Revelation where in chapter 2 verse 11 where Jesus is quoted as saying "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last".
So I just wondered weather there might be something to this. I might be stretching things a bit but I thought it might be worth considering.
Greetings, Anonymous:
You are correct about the occult significance of the number 911, with it referring to the end of one age, and the beginning of another. In the Hebrew Qabala, for instance, the number 911, relates to A BEGINNING.
But, a beginning of WHAT?!
The beginning of the NEW WORLD ORDER, perhaps?
Further, the number 9 means FALL DOWN or COME APART. The number 11 is the number of MAGICK, according to Aleister Crowley, and 11 also relates to arrogance.
Therefore, one meaning of 911 is an arrogant magick ritual designed to bring down the current age, and begin a new age.
Lastly, Towers 1 and 2 of the former WTC also related to the pillars of Freemasonry, JACHIN and BOAZ. Check into the symbolism behind JACHIN and BOAZ, as well as the symbolic meaning behind the tarot card entitled THE TOWER for further correspondences to this entire matter.
Warmest Regards,
Buffalo, New York USA
The Kentroversy Papers
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