Welcome To The Kentroversy Papers 2.0!
Well, as you see, I have spiffied up the place, and gave it a new paint job. Thank you so much for your patience during the past 48 hours, as I converted everything from the old and to the new.
I wanted to use this website as an opportunity to learn the CSS Cascading Style Sheets Internet programing language, which is how most websites are created these days. I use a program called DREAMWEAVER to do all of this, and if anyone is interested in a TOP OF THE LINE web authoring program, I recommend it highly. In addition to the actual programming module, the software comes with the complete O'Reilly reference books for HTML, CFML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, ASP, JSP, and UseableNet.
Also, I encourage each and every visitor to this website to contribute any comments or feedback on the re-design. I am interested in hearing what everyone thinks about the site update.
For instance, is it easier to read?
One last thing . . .
The banner at the top of the page contains three words that describe myself, and the website as well. Those three words also begin with the same letters of THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS, and they are; TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE, and PROBITY.
If anyone does NOT know what PROBITY means, please click on the following link:
Dictionary.com - Definition of PROBITY
There is some symbolism behind the things that you see in the banner. The lighthouse's beam of light amongst the darkness is nearly upon the TRUTH. This is the role that I play through this site. I am shining a light in the dark, so others can make their way to the light, as they make their way through this SPIRITUAL BATTLE that we are all currently in the midst of.
What do YOU suppose those three dots mean, which are configured in that pyramid-shape? Let me know your thoughts on this, as well. There is a meaning behind EVERYTHING here.
Thank you for your continued support of THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS!
Stay tuned, as there are some BIG THINGS coming your way! Soon, we're going to begin a new ongoing series of articles that are going to reveal some of the closest held secrets of the Illuminati. I mean, after all, they aren't calling this the AGE OF REVEALING for nothing!
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
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