Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Join 'The Kentroversy Papers' Mailing List!

Readers of this website can sign up for THE KENTSPIRACY KRONICLES NEWSLETTER by sending an e-mail to me at the address to the immediate right.

by Kentroversy

Those readers who are interested can join 'The Kentroversy Papers' mailing list, by sending an e-mail to me at the e-mail address which appears immediately to the right of this announcement.

Please place in the SUBJECT Line of your e-mail:

Add me to your mailing list!

What information will be sent to you? Well, that is simple. I send out periodic announcements about upcoming interviews I am giving to the radio, podcast, and television media, as well as information about important new research reports I have written.

This newsletter, beginning in January 2008, is to be published monthly, on or about the 20th of the month.

The name of my newsletter is:


NOTE: Your name, e-mail address, or any other identifying data (such as IP addresses) are NEVER shared, lent, or sold to anyone else. In fact, I even send out each announcement as a BLIND CARBON COPY, to protect the privacy of each e-mail address on the mailing list.

This announcement will remain as the TOP POSTING on this website for the time being, to give everyone interested a chance to sign up.

NOTE: Anyone who has an e-mail address from either a YAHOO! MAIL, MY WAY or an AOL e-mail account, will have trouble receiving my mailings. I keep getting UNDELIVERABLE MAIL bounce-backs from these particular mail services. So, if it is important to you to receive communications from THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS, please sign-up with an e-mail account OTHER THAN YAHOO!, MyWay, or AOL e-mail accounts.

AOL claims that they are receiving "substantial complaints" about my URL's, which is enough reason for anyone belonging to that ISP to resign, because AOL is a major enemy of FREE SPEECH, and they should be BOYCOTTED because of it.

Besides, do you REALLY still need your Internet with training wheels?!

Recommended e-mail services are HOTMAIL, GMAIL, and .MAC e-mail accounts.

P.S. -- I do not send out confirmation e-mails, but simply enter your name on the list! I hope everyone understands that I do not have that much time to send out confirmation e-mails.

Thank you for your understanding of this matter

© 2007-2008 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.


The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Watch this its very good

  2. Greetings:

    Thanks, that was an interesting video to watch.

    Thanks for the heads up! However, what was curious to me was WHY they were advertsing a CNN show on MSNBC? Perhaps a merger is in the works?

    Or has already happened?!?!

    Warmest Regards,

    Buffalo, NY USA

  3. Hello, Been following some of your work through Greg at Occult of personality and Jake Kotze with Brave New World order. I think we should talk sometime.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
