Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kentroversy Returns to 'Red Ice Radio' (June 28, 2007)

On June 28, 2007, I returned to RED ICE RADIO, where Henrik and I talked about President Kennedy's assassination, and the occult aspects of both the Dealey Plaza location, and the assassination plan itself.

by Kentroversy

Earlier today, my latest interview with 'Red Ice Radio' was posted online to the 'Red Ice Creations' website. Show host Henrik Palmgren and I discussed my 12,000 word report on the JFK public execution, at the hands of those who maintained in the days leading up to the assassination, that our sitting President had committed TREASON; for wanting to knock the CIA down to size, trying to end U.S. involvement in the Viet Nam war, and for ordering the printing of a new silver-backed currency which was called 'U.S. Notes,' about $4 billion dollars of this currency was printed. Very few of these U.S. Notes ever made it into circulation, and today, they command top dollar in the world of currency collecting.

For those who have NOT yet read my report entitled 'Dealey Plaza: Esoteric Freemasonic Symbolism in the Death of JFK,' I would recommend that you read the report before you listen to the interview, as it will be a bit easier to follow. Here below is the link for the report itself:

Dealey Plaza: Esoteric Freemasonic Symbolism in the Death of JFK (June 22, 2007)

In the interview, the link for which can be found below, Henrik and I also discussed occult numerology, qabalism, astrology, and the black magick that the high-level Freemasons practice. We also talked about the Freemasons who seemed to be everywhere throughout this entire event, and its' aftermath investigation by the Warren Commission, which was chartered to provide the OFFICIAL-FICTION of the event.

Here below is the link to the interview page on the 'Red Ice Radio' website:

Kentroversy on 'Red Ice Radio' to Discuss the Occultic Aspects of the JFK Assassination (June 28, 2007)

I hope to be able to educate people on some of the high-strangeness of this horrible event, an event that has haunted me throughout my entire life. The reason for this, is that I was born with a photographic memory, a high IQ, and an extremely honest morality -- and this event also forms the basis of the earliest memory I have of my entire life. You see, JFK was murdered the day before my second birthday.

I simply could not get this event out of my mind, and so, its' writing was a long time coming ...

© 2007 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.


The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .

Dealey Plaza: Esoteric Freemasonic Symbolism in the Death of JFK (June 22, 2007)

Kentroversy on 'Red Ice Radio' to Discuss the Occultic Aspects of the JFK Assassination (June 28, 2007)

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