Monday, October 01, 2007

Kentroversy Gives Details on Forthcoming Book Project!

On my September 27, 2007 appearance on RED ICE RADIO -- I made an EXCLUSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT on the details of my forthcoming book -- which I am expecting to have completed and published in the latter half of 2008. The book will focus on the American mass media, and will be the first title released by KENTROVERSY MULTIMEDIA GROUP.

by Kent Daniel Bentkowski

Over the past year, I have received literally hundreds of e-mails from my readers -- asking me WHEN my book was going to be published. I answered them all by asking simply; "What book?!" But, as the requests continued to pour in -- it occurred to me that what they were really saying was "I would buy a book, if you published one." I looked upon this as INTEREST in my writing BEYOND my website -- and I began to think about what it was that I WOULD write about -- IF there were such a project underway.

At this same time as this, I began to notice that there was a certain subject area that had become wildly popular. This, of course, were the essays and special reports that I had written about the American Mass Media. It the occurred to me that I had found my subject about which to write.

Now, while I will not be giving you explicit details of the books' actual subject matter -- I will say that this book is already underway -- and it will be published some time in 2008 -- as soon as it is finished. Also, it will be published by KENTROVERSY MULTIMEDIA GROUP -- a new multimedia publisher on the scene. This will be the companies' first book project.

Soon, I will be posting an e-mail address where you will be able to sign up for forthcoming mailings regarding this book. You will also be able to get an advance copy of a PDF of the first chapter, advance word on how to order your own copy of the book, and other goodies -- including an audiobook reading of one of the chapters, read by one of my good friends from the eso-research community.

I will also keep you apprised of developments and progress, as it occurs ...

© 2007 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.


The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .

Red Ice Radio - Kent Daniel Bentkowski (September 27, 2007)


  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    This is great news. Congratulations on taking this huge step. May the new company and the new book open doors for you as well as your present and future readers.


  2. Greetings, Cadeveo:

    Thank you for your kind words on the above. I had been getting asked about this so many times -- just as I had been asked about doing my own website in late 2004 and early 2005 -- that I decided to do it.

    And seeing how well THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS came out -- I am fully willing to take a chance on this new idea of a book.

    Also, I have recently spoken to an author who does their own publishing -- and this looks like the best way for me to go with this.

    The few people with whom I have shared my idea (which I cannot do in a public space) in private -- have ALL thought it was a great idea and concept.

    Let's hope that translates into book sales ... !!!

    Warmest Regards,

    Buffalo, NY USA
