Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Writer's Block?! You've Got To Be Füøkïñg Kidding Me!!

With all the stress of the various medical issues I am presently going through; Hepatitis C, HIV+, trying to repair a broken marriage, and of course, the many dental issues I am going though -- I seem to have developed writers' block!

by Kentroversy

After more than three years, and more than 500 Kentroversy Papers -- as well as nearly 25 reports published by MAYBE LOGIC ACADEMY and THE SPIRIT OF MA'AT -- as well as many other websites -- I have hit a brick wall -- I have developed WRITER'S BLOCK!

I attribute this to the many health and personal family issues I have going on -- which have caused great turmoil in my life. This is the reason for the lack of updates on my two websites, as well as my podcast.

This in itself adds additional stress to the situation -- and this is the first time since my writing career began in 1985 that this has happened to me -- so I do not quite know how to handle the situation.

In my ongoing policy of bring honesty to those who read and listen to me -- I am being honest here as well.

I am certain that what I most need is some rest and rejuvenation. Once this occurs, I am sure I will be back on the warpath -- fighting the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Until I return with more Kentroversy Papers Special Reports, and more Kentroversy Tapes Podcast episodes, please feel free to dip into my archives -- which are substantial and voluminous.

© 2008 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.


The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .

Kentroversypapers.net Official Website of the Kentroversy Papers (Online since: June 17, 2005)

Kentroversytapes.net Official Website of the Kentroversy Tapes Podcast (Online since: April 17, 2007)


  1. Hope it clears up soon.

    Be well

  2. Greetings, my Synchromystic Brother:

    Thank you for your kind words. I will be back as soon as it is possible for me to do so.

    Warmest Regards,

    Buffalo, NY USA
