Kentroversy Papers Bookshelf

The Kentroversy Papers Bookshelf
Over the years, I have been asked many times to recommend books that people could read to familiarize themselves with the exact nature of the GLOBALIST AGENDA and how it is carried out in our daily lives. The following list of twenty-five books are my personal recommendations, and I personally own and have read each and every book on this list. I know from the value that they have provided me, that they would also serve to educate people on what is REALLY going on in this world. The following list is comprised of books that I have personally found to be the best sources of information about the Globalist and Neo-Con agenda (they are one in the same).
On the list below, you will find THREE BOOKS by Dr. John Coleman. He is a retired British Intelligence agent, whose research is impeccable, and because of his unique work history, he is in a position to know what to expect from the Globalist Cabal. If you are really serious about studying these subjects, I cannot recommend highly enough, the work of Dr. Coleman. I have personally spoken with him, and he sounds genuinely concerned about what he sees in the future, a concern with which I wholeheartedly agree.
On the list below, you will also find THREE BOOKS edited by James H. Fetzer PhD., on the subject of the JFK assassination, or as I call it, the JFK public execution. Few people realize that DEALEY PLAZA was the site of the first freemason temple in Dallas, and also, that DEALEY PLAZA has served as an outdoor temple, and the JFK public execution was a symbolic KILLING OF A KING, a sacrifice to the Goddess Diana, of the Moon. These three books by Fetzer et al. should be read as a set, as I have recently done. Therefore, I can speak as to the value of the information contained therein.
NOTE: I have NOT included books like 1984, Animal Farm, and Brave New World on the list below. This is because these books are already well-known to anyone who has taken high-school or college English courses in the United States. The books below are lesser known, but equally or more important than the books named in this very paragraph.
KENTROVERSY PAPERS BOOKSHELF - Twenty-Five Books That Tell All You Need To Know About The Globalists' Agenda:
- ATLANTIS: Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation - Michael Tsarion (2002)
- BATTLE FOR THE MIND - William Sargent (1957)
- BEHOLD A PALE HORSE - William Cooper (1991)
All four books written by Tony Bushby - THE BIGGEST SECRET - David Icke (1999)
- BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI - Fritz Springmeier (1999)
- BODY OF SECRETS - James Bamford (2001)
- CODEX MAGICA - Texe Marrs (2005)
- THE COINTELPRO PAPERS - Ward Churchill and James Vander Wall (1990)
- CONSPIRATOR'S HIERARCHY - Dr. John Coleman (1992)
- THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND - G. Edward Griffin (1994)
- THE CULTURE OF FEAR - Barry Glassner (1999)
- THE DELIBERATE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt (1999)
- DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTION - Dr. John Coleman (1993)
- DRUG WAR HERESIES - Robert J. MacCoun and Peter Reuter (2001)
- GLITTER & GREED: The Secret World of the Diamond Cartel - Janine Roberts (2003, 2007)
All three books edited by James H. Fetzer PhD. - THE MAGIC FLUTE UNVEILED: Esoteric Symbolism in Mozart's Masonic Opera - Jacques Chailley (1971)
- THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY - Michael Howard (1989)
- PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY - John Robison (1798)
- RULE BY SECRECY - Jim Marrs (2000)
- TRAGEDY & HOPE - Carroll Quigley (1966)
- TRILATERALISM - Holly Sklar (editor) (1980)
- THE WAR AGAINST POPULATION - Jacqueline Kasun (1988)

This book describes the globalist connections behind 9/11, and concisely tears apart the OFFICIAL FICTION of that horrible days' events, piece by piece. This book also contains a wonderful background of the insider trading, insurance scams, and other high crimes of treason associated with that days' events. There are so many great books on 9/11 that have been written, but for my money, this one is the best because of the information that cannot be found in other books on the same subject.
David Icke's last name is pronounced IKE as in BIKE.
Alice In Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster - David Icke (2002)

This book is a scholarly look at the SKULL & BONES club at Yale University. Professor Sutton begins this book with a discussion as to what exactly is a CONSPIRACY, and how that definition fits the behavior of SKULL & BONES members as they infiltrate high levels of government intelligence and business. Sutton also looks at the organizational connections of SKULL & BONES members, and how it fits in with the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and the TRILATERAL COMMISSION, which is itself, the subject of one of the books on this list.
Sutton also looks at how the ORDER (as he called it) controls public education in this country, and how they finance wars and other types of problems, for which they themselves offer a prefabricated solution, which brings the USA step by step closer to their coveted NEW WORLD ORDER.
Please DO NOT waste your time with the other books on SKULL & BONES, such as the one by the former Yale University Student Alexandra Robbins entitled SECRETS INSIDE THE TOMB, which is a white-wash attempt to say that they aren't so bad, and to run damage control. There is NOTHING that she offers in her book that Professor Sutton hadn't already covered.
America's Secret Establishment - Antony Sutton (1986)

Michael Tsarion is a fairly recent discovery of mine, whom I interviewed for the Maybe Logic Academy's Maybe Quarterly publication, a publication of which I am founding editor. In this book, Tsarion traces the sudden appearance of EVIL on this planet, as he recounts an alternate take on history.
A very intriguing book that contains an extensive timeline of events tracing the development and mass proliferation of EVIL on this planet, and a full appendix which contains a research outline for further inquiry.
Michael Tsarion is a rising star in the TRUTH MOVEMENT, and is one to keep your eye on! This book is also available as a PDF download.
ATLANTIS: Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation - Michael Tsarion (2002)

Written by a brainwashing expert from the TAVISTOCK CLINIC in London, this book is the textbook of conversion and brain-washing. TAVISTOCK specializes in the mass brainwashing of large societal groups of people, and many things that seem like natural phenomena are actually staged-events; like fads and fashions, slang language, gender-based preferences, etc.
On the very cover of this book are the following CHILLING words:
How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians, and Medicine Men can change your beliefs and behavior
Perhaps the singlemost important book on this list!
Battle For The Mind - William Sargent (1957)

Touted as the bestselling underground book of all time, this book was written by a retired Naval Intelligence Officer William Cooper, who pulled no punches, and named names. Published in 1991, it contains information on the planned and emergent police state, the North American Union, and if you had to read ONLY ONE BOOK on this list, this is the book it should be. This book is also known as the most frequently shoplifted book from BORDER'S.
Sadly, Mr. Cooper paid a high price for his whistleblowing, as he was assassinated by agents of the new world order on November 5, 2001, in a staged SWAT raid on his home, which began at precisely 11:47pm, according to Cooper's best-friend Doyle Shamley, who was there. But, as Cooper himself often said; "I would rather die a patriot, than live as a coward."
Behold A Pale Horse - William Cooper (1991)

"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us." -- Pope Leo X (1513-1521)
Tony Bushby has uncovered one of the most controversial subjects of all time -- the numerous frauds related to Christianity and to the Holy Bible, which had fallen victim to editing, censorship, and outright obfuscation in the myths contained within its' pages. The 1,303 total pages of these four books tell a most amazing tale of HOW the behind-the-scenes machinations of the Vatican and the various ecumenical councils had forever altered the Bible, and along with it, the mind-set of more than a BILLION people from all over the planet Earth.
In THE BIBLE FRAUD, Bushby exposes the TRUTH about Rabbi Jesus and his twin brother, their births, marriages, and deaths, as well as the bloodlines that have resulted from the events of that time. This book reveals the secret ciphers in the Bible, as well as the role Mystery Schools and Francis Bacon played in the creation of the King James Version of the Bible.
THE SECRET IN THE BIBLE reveals the long-ago hidden corellation between the Bible, and Ancient Egypt. Bushby also reveals the role Initiation plays in the Bible stories, and how Ancient Egyptian codes were hidden in the Bible, in the form of ciphers, hidden words and phrases, and the numerous similarities between the Bible and the Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth. Bushby also demonstrates the similarities between the Book of Thoth and the Tarot's Major Arcana, and its' own relationship to Psalm 119. This book also provides proof that the Great Pyramids of the Giza Plateau were Temples of Initiation, and diagrams are provided to show this beyond any reasonable doubt.
THE CRUFIXION OF TRUTH shows the Hidden Vatican Scrolls, and the falsehoods they reveal about Christianity. Bushby takes the reader into the Vatican Secret Archive, which contains 500,000 censored works that tell the truth about just who this Jesus character was, how he was created, and whether or not if he was a genuine, historical figure, or a symbolic mythological archetype. This book also demonstrates the similarities between THE MYSTERIES OF OSIRIS AND ISIS and the BOOK OF REVELATION.
THE TWIN DECEPTION reveals the TRUTH about the twin brother of Jesus, and how he was one of his trusted disciples. The author also shows how the twin brother was removed from Church texts, and WHY this was done. This book contains the decoded secret ciphers of a 16th Century Knight's Templar Initiate, and extracts from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
BEST-EVER books on the mysteries surrounding Christianity and the Holy Bible!! EACH BOOK IS A MUST READ!
The Bible Fraud - Tony Bushby (2001)
The Secret In The Bible - Tony Bushby (2003)
The Crufixion of Truth - Tony Bushby (2004)
The Twin Deception - Tony Bushby (2006)

This book was the first to claim similarities in the deaths of Princess Diana and John F. Kennedy --- two people who greatly enraged the globalist war machine. Both were assassinated in occult ritualistic locations, and each site added a piece of occult symbology AFTER each respective death. After JFK's death, the obelisk in Dealey Plaza took on new meaning, especially given the fact that the site was the location of the very first freemasonic temple in the city of Dallas, Texas. After Diana's murder, a golden flame of illumination was added over the top of the Pont D'Alma tunnel in Paris, at the exact spot where the accident occured in the tunnel below. In early 2006, it was admitted that Diana's death was a murder and not an accident.
While back in the 1990's many laughed at David Icke, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, et al, people are no longer laughing, because there have been many verifications of their data and this has added to their credibility to a great degree. One of the great strengths of this book and the writing of David Icke (as in BIKE) is his research on Queen Semiramis and Babylon in general.
This book also contains a section on SOLAR WORSHIP --- the very first religion on this planet.
The Biggest Secret - David Icke (1999)

A kind of biographical geneology of the Illuminati bloodline familes, and one of those books that is well worth the effort to hunt down an original copy. Jam-packed with hard to find facts about the families and their interconnections. A highly recommended book, and the photos, diagrams, and true stories help the reader to better understand what the Illuminati are all about.
This book contains OFFICIAL membership lists of key Illuminati groups, such as the PILGRIM SOCIETY, SKULL & BONES, and BOHEMIAN GROVE.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier (1999)

A book about the inner-workings of the NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, written by James Bamford, who was an investigative producer for ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. The NSA employs 38,000 which makes it the LARGEST intelligence agency on the planet. So, there is a very big story to tell, you can bet on that.
Bamford's book brought OPERATION NORTHWOODS into the light of day. Northwoods was a JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF level military-based campaign that included staged false-flag terrorism and hijacking airplanes and murdering citizens, and blaming the violence on Cuba. This was during the Kennedy administration! President Kennedy refused to go along with the plan, and shelved it.
However, Operation Northwoods came back to haunt America on 9/11.
NOTE: All interested parties can download a copy of the Operation Northwoods documents as a PDF file from the following location:
Operation Northwoods documents - General Lemnitzer; Joint Cheifs of Staff (March 13, 1962)
Body of Secrets - James Bamford (2001)

The definitive book on the occult symbolgy of the global elite. Large, phone book sized format, and within the books' 624 pages, there are over 1,000 photos and artistic renderings, which show hand-signs, freemasonic handshakes, hidden messages in the mainstream media, and liberal quotations from the various freemasonic encyclopedias, which further document what Texe Marrs is discussing in the book. Profusely illustrated with some surprises among those who number themselves with the freemasons and the Illuminati.
The single best book on occult symbology available today, and because of this, it receives my highest recommendation, and should be a part of every serious research library.
Codex Magica - Texe Marrs (2005)

The COINTELPRO Papers states right on the front cover that it is a book filled with documents from the FBI's secret wars against dissent in the United States. The book contains many original FBI memos representing the agencies' treatment of the dissent movements from the 1950's to the 1980's, and continues on right to this very day under the auspices of the un-Patriot Act. The authors provide a compelling argument that the local police of today have been heavily militarized, completely ignoring the POSSE COMITATUS ACT, which is supposed to FORBID the use of the military as a domestic police force.
This book contains a 109 page section of endnotes and bibliography, as well as more than 125 supporting and relevant documents that have been reproduced within the books' pages.
A MUST READ book on inflitrators and agents provocateur!!
The Cointelpro Papers - Ward Churchill and James Vander Wall (1990)

This book is the true story of something known as the COMMITTEE OF 300; which is the ruling council in the political sector of the Illuminati. Researched and written by Dr. John Coleman, a book that is a MUST READ, if one's goal is to understand what is REALLY going on in this world. This is a group that is made up of people who answer to no one but themselves, and are above and beyond the reach of all laws.
The committee's members are loyal to no country, and their decisions benefit the committee of 300, even to the detriment of their own nations' people. This book provides background and names names of those who are usually known and refererred to as THEY or THEM.
While most Americans still have this lilywhite "It cannot happen here" aire of ignorance about them, this group quietly goes about their plans, even while THEY promote the idea that TRUE CONSPIRACIES are the provenance of the TIN-FOIL HAT wearing crowd --- resorting to these types of tactics, even in the face of moutains of data that proves Dr. Coleman has been telling the TRUTH all these years, and this is the main reason why he has three books on this list.
Dr. Coleman also provides irrefutable evidence that the current financial catastrophe the USA finds herself within has been engineered to happen, as the remaining global superpower is destroyed to usher in their much coveted new world order.
Conspirator's Hierarchy - Dr. John Coleman (1992)

The TRUE STORY of the formation of the FEDERAL RESERVE --- a privately owned CENTRAL BANK which is owned and controlled by the global elite cabal. The CENTRAL BANK concept is one of the ten planks of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO --- and this is the only term that accurately fits the Federal Reserve. The author refers to the Federal Reserve fiat currency as "the new alchemy," from which money is created out of a series of bookkeeping entries.
The Creature From Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin (1994)

The Los Angeles Times Book Review called this the BEST BOOK OF 1999, and while I would personally say that distinction goes to THE BIGGEST SECRET (another book on this list above), I can see why they picked this one. Here, the author dissects all things in the popular culture, advertising, and news broadcasts that make Americans fear the wrong things. He also describes in great detail the people who are doing the manipulating, and why they are doing it.
Just for one example, Glassner takes a look at the razor-blade in the apple at Halloween canard, to find that there never was any such incident, and suggests that it was floated and heavily promoted to generate distrust of a person's neighbor(s).
Glassner also takes a look at the evening's news, and what are some of the reasons behind all the FEAR, FEAR, FEAR through the television. The reasons presented are logically discussed, and become reasonable possibilities pretty quickly. By the time the last page is turned, the reader can no longer deny that they are being manipulated regularly and with malice.
This book will explain the reasons WHY Americans are afraid of the wrong things; crime, drugs, minorities, teen moms, killer kids, mutant microbes, plane crashes, road rage, and much more. Contains extensive footnotes to back up author's statements.
The Culture of Fear - Barry Glassner (1999)

This author was a high-level policy official in the Reagan Administration Department of Education, who got the position because her own father was a member of SKULL & BONES. Once she realized that the dumbing down was an actual plan and policy of the government, and had been since the depression-era, she started photocopying documents. When she left her position, she brought with her thousands upon thousands of documents.
Drawing from these original source documents, this book is exhaustively researched, and if you don't come to Iserbyt's conclusions, you haven't been paying attention, or are still more asleep than awake.
This book is now available as a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD at Mrs. Iserbyt's website, as linked immediately below:
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt (1999)
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt (1999) FREE PDF DOWNLOAD

In this book, Dr. Coleman gets into the matter of treasonous collusion between the United States and Britain, where publicly they claim to be doing one thing, but privately, it is for a real reason that is never shared with the public. Coleman also tells of covert operations, dirty dealings, backstabbing diplomacy, and names names and provides details no other author can, simply because of his unique background as a retired intelligence agent.
Diplomacy By Deception - Dr. John Coleman (1993)

The most unique book on the drug war, and this is because it compares drugs to prostitution, lottery, casino gambling. Also compares crime in societies with these controls, and compares them to the reality of legalization. Compares the public versus elite perspective, and asks why the drug war has had no effect on the quantity of street drugs.
Drug War Heresies - Robert J. MacCoun and Peter Reuter (2001)

A book that lays to rest, the MYTH that diamonds are rare, romantic, and forever. Janine Roberts, a journalist and human-rights activist, has authored THE BOOK that DeBeers and the Oppenheimer cartel do NOT want you to read. The book reveals the human-rights, anti-trust, and governmental abuses, along with the health problems of the diamond mines' slave labor, most of whom are children from the African subcontinent.
As the BOSTON GLOBE put it:
"Brides-to-be hoping for a diamond engagement ringare advised to keep 'Glitter & Greed' out of their fiances' hands."
Personally, I never allowed myself to fall into this trap, as instead of a diamond engagement ring, I bought my then-fiance a HOUSE instead. With no mortgage, we have benefitted from that investment, more than we ever would, buying overpriced carbon-based gemstones, which are NOT rare at all. In the book, Roberts talks about how the price to mine these BLOOD DIAMONDS is roughly $10.00 per karat, and they charge the public $200.00 or more per karat.
No thanks, none for me, thank you ...
Glitter & Greed - Janine Roberts (2003, 2007)

James H. Fetzer PhD. and his staff have written three of the most logical of all JFK assassination tomes, and this research is impeccable. This set of three books, in their combined 1,448 pages, cover every aspect of the JFK public execution, and they really should be read together, in whatever order suits the individual reader's interests. That is, if the reader would like some definitive answers to the events of that day.
My own research career began with the JFK matter, and this was because this occurred on the day before my second birthday, and it represents the earliest memory of my entire life. I just couldn't get this out of my mind, and this is because on one of President Kennedy's speaking tours, he came to Buffalo, New York USA. My father took me to the speech, where I watched the whole thing perched upon my father's shoulders, and I got to personally meet and shake hands with our President. I just couldn't get this out of my mind, and I felt very compelled to research this matter for myself, and this was because the government's OFFICIAL FICTION of his death made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.
These three books are by far, the absolute best three books I have ever encountered about this tragic coup d'etat against our government. I have read a number of these books myself, including the complete 26 volume Warren Commission Report, which took me an entire year to read during my teenage years. Even today, I have a copy of the 888 page final single-volume report on the death of the President, which was published by St. Martin's Press of New York. The value of the work of Fetzer et al. is in the sheer number of details they are able to provide and quantify, as compared to the other authors of this subject field, whom they make look like rank amateurs.
I really do recommend that you get all three books, and I have also provided the links for the two JFK websites that James H. Fetzer PhD. is involved with, Assassination Research, and Assassination Science.
The Great Zapruder Film Hoax - James H. Fetzer PhD. (editor) (2003)
Murder In Dealey Plaza - James H. Fetzer PhD. (editor) (2000)
Assassination Science - James H. Fetzer PhD. (editor) (1998)
Assassination Research: Journal For The Advanced Study of the Death of JFK - James H. Fetzer PhD. (editor)
Assassination Science: Experts Speak Out On The Death of JFK - James H. Fetzer PhD. (editor)

The book that tells the story of how Mozart was able to infuse the secrets of Freemasonry into his Freemasonic opera. Using social, historical, religious, and magical context to explain the meaning of THE MAGIC FLUTE, Chailley presents compelling evidence that the entire libretto of the opera was structured around masonic principles. A MUST-READ for all who are interested in Freemasonry and/or Mozart.
The Magic Flute Unveiled - Jacques Chailley (1971)

One of the biggest secrets of our times has involved ancient esoteric wisdom that has been hidden away in the occult secret societies and mystery schools attended by the so-called elite of this world. This knowledge has become one of the main focal points of my own personal and private study, and the subject of some of my research.
These types of groups wield vast amounts of power and influence on the daily events of this world, and this book traces all this information and threads it all together, so the reader can undestand HOW this has been pulled off right under their noses.
The Occult Conspiracy - Michael Howard (1989)

Here, I will let the Illuminati speak for themselves:
"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it."
Written during the time of the reign of the original Bavarian Illuminati, this book contains foundational data on how they intended on carrying out their plans, and makes for some REQUIRED READING for anyone interested in HOW and WHY things turned out in the manner they have.
Proofs Of A Conspiracy - John Robison (1798)

Traces the secret societies of the ancient world, and how they are able to influence our modern times. Author Marrs uncovers disturbing evidence that the true movers and shakers of the world collude to start and stop wars, influence interest rates, maintain middle class illusions, as well as controlling what we see and read in the mainstream press and news media.
This book outlines in great detail the mysteries that connect secret societies to the freemasons, the Illuminati, the Knights Templar, and even the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Marrs also recounts the Captain Morgan assassination by freemasons, which happened in Batavia, New York, near the Buffalo, New York area, and the BLOOD OATHS these people take when they advance from degree to degree in the freemasonic system.
Rule By Secrecy - Jim Marrs (2000)

Written after thirty years of studying the subject, Rappaport here outlines THE formula for control used by all secret societies for the subjugation of societies and entire cvilizations.
Excerpt from the book itself (pgs. 273-274):
"Now pretend you are a controller.
Pretend you are one of those shadowy figures who, behind the scenes, collaborates with like-minded manipulators to stage wars, take over the finances of nations, maintain poverty and derail progress in countries "not slated" for significant economic participation in the world community.
This is your creation. This is your level of invention.
Well, there is always a reason for creation. The soul doing it at least suspects he will like the outcome, will find out something from the outcome, will explore new territory with the outcome.
But after thirty or forty years of being a controller, what do you get from the creation of the pain of others? You get control. It comes back to you over and over. You get more and more clues about what it is like to live in a world of people who are controlled, who are robotic, who are at your call.
What is at the end of this kind of creaton?
At what point do you begin to see where it is all going?
When do you decide that you have found out enough about that?
When do you begin to open up your imagination to other worlds, worlds, say, of abundance and freedom?
The controller, at one level, is dumber than what he takes to be the dumbest beast. At that level, his imagination does not take flight into constructing possible realities in which non-control, diversity, freedom, the flourishing of art all bring about a different world. At that level, he is the very kind of crude boor he says he abhors and must control."
'Nuff said! Now go do some reading!
The Secret Behind Secret Societies - Jon Rappaport (1998)

Bill Clinton claims this to be his all-time favorite book. That is enough reason to study it. It is a history of the first fifty years of the 20th century, through the eyes of the globalists. A very enlightening read. College-level material that makes for some very dry and boring reading, yet it remains a crucial voice from which to study and learn.
Tragedy & Hope - Carroll Quiqley (1966)

A series of essays that outline the precepts of the TRILATERAL COMMISSION, a group of globalists that was formed around the existing members of the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and the BILDERBERG GROUP. Founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski --- which united the economic powers of the USA, EUROPE, and JAPAN.
This book also outlines their plans, justifies their actions, and it got me nearly kicked out of high school in the spring of my senior year, for ASKING FOR THE WRONG BOOK from the librarian.
This book is where it all began for Kentroversy ...
Trilateralism - Holly Sklar (editor) (1980)

POPULATION CONTROL is one of those taboo topics in our dumbed-down culture, but, in this book, the subject takes a front seat. Here, the author states the reasons for the beliefs behind population control; the false scarcity of natural resources. All the documents, proof, and background is provided by Kasun for her readers. All one has to do is look closely at the Rothschild/Rockefeller family (they are the same family) and population control as a public policy is not too far behind.
All the answers and all the problems are right here, in this book.
The War Against Population - Jacqueline Kasun (1988)

In the third of three books on this list, Dr. John Coleman this time takes on the US CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS. This book is going to be one of the textbooks in the homeschooling of my son. Inside are the TRUTH about the rights as they should be explained to all school age children, instead of the classes they take now: GLOBAL STUDIES and other similarly named, but nontheless useless, course titles.
This is a MUST READ!!!
What You Should Know About The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights - Dr. John Coleman (1999)
Lastly, I will list a set of books that are MANDATORY READING at private elite boarding schools, and are NEVER MENTIONED in any public school English course, no matter if it is junior high, high school, or college level courses. WHY is this? It is because the following books talk about such subjects as divide and conquer, the divine right to rule, the public power is not the true power, and other tools of our undoing. (This list is FORTHCOMING).
This was a very difficult list to prepare, and this is because I was unsure as to what would the twenty-five books be right up until the actual page coding. This is such an important subject that I wanted to bring the best possible resources together in one single place for your convenience and comparison.
If anyone reading these has any questions regarding this list, or any of the books on it, please feel free to write me. My e-mail address is on the front page under the heading of CONTACTING KENTROVERSY. I am here to help educate you in any way I can.
Thank you for supporting this site with your presence.
Thank you also for the kindness of your time ...
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
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