After 244,288 responses, a full 86% want BUSH Jr. impeached. However, we also need to get rid of Cheney, who is more likely the TRUE acting President, due to Junior's debilitated mental condition, as pointed out by Dr. Justin Frank, in his book BUSH ON THE COUCH.
by Kentroversy
After more than a quarter-million votes, an overwhelming 86% of the respondents want Bush Jr. impeached. As I have previously written to my Congressmen and women, as well as the White House itself, George Bush Jr. is the most unpopular President of my lifetime of 44 years, and not only that, he has been said by many to be the all-time worst President.
He clearly appears to be OBLIVIOUS to the reality that surrounds him, as his Presidency is now with full-fledged LAME DUCK status. His most desired legislative endeavors have all collapsed, and his approval rating now hovers around the 15-20% range.
This is so wonderful to see!
Americans are FINALLY waking up, and getting with the times. Anyone who still attempts to cling to Bush Jr. as a Christian, a conservative, or even compassionate, is clearly out of touch with reality. His own behavior belies his own assertions of a compassionate and conservative Christian lifestyle.
If he truly wants people to think of him as a Christian, then perhaps it might be a good idea to drop his devil-worshipping. He also might wish to reconsider his not-so-secret homosexual encounters and his closeted gay lifestyle, such as with his "boyfriend" Victor Ashe, and also to stop inviting gay male porn stars and Jeff Gannon (aka Johnny Gosch) to his White House quarters. By the way, Jeff Gannon-Johnny Gosch had been listed on the White House Visitor Manifest 300 times, and that is NOT counting the times he was off the record.
No, he is not. He studies and follows the Luciferian doctrine inherent within Illuminism. He DOES NOT belong to any Christian Church, has NEVER been seen at any services in any Christian Churches, not even for ANY of the victims of 9/11. He DOES however, claim to have been BORN AGAIN, which is true. He has been born again into the Luciferian Illuminati.
No, he is not. Just listen to Cindy Sheehan describe her meeting with him, and how cold and distant he was, along with showing no consideration or remorse for the death of Casey Sheehan. Additionally, he ordered, through his proxy Alberto Gonzales, the torture of prisoners and detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Gharib, and in other locations unknown to me at this time.
He has mocked death-row inmate Karla Faye Tucker shortly before his executing her, by refusing to grant her a stay of execution, on the basis of her new-found religious beliefs.
Lastly, Bush Jr. showed no compassion whatsoever, when he lead a moment of silence for victims of the 9/11 false-flag attacks against his OWN PEOPLE. That moment of silence is on the CNN America Remembers DVD, and was exactly FIVE SECONDS in length!
CNN: America Remembers DVD
ch. # 1 - 10:35-10:40
No, he is not. He has spent more money and contributed to more U.S. DEBT than all previous Presidents combined!
What's conservative about THAT?!
It is now time for this scum to go, and it will be interesting to see how cooperative the rest of the system will be in bringing forth preceedings against him. Or will we learn that Presidential blow-jobs are BAD, and Presidential treason and traitorousness are GOOD?!
Hey, stranger things HAVE happened in our Orwellian world!
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
MSNBC Live Poll: Should Bush Be Impeached?
Frank - Dr. Justin - Bush On The Couch: Inside The Mind Of The President
Dr. Justin Frank Interview - George Bush: A Puppet Who Chose His Puppeteers (July 26, 2004)
George Bush Jr.
Dr. Justin Frank
Executive Intelligence Review
MSNBC Live Poll
Bush is not a Christian or Conservative and I can't imagine anyone who pays any attention thinking he is. Still, he is not the root of the problem, it is buried deep within the system and impeaching him will only be cutting off one of many heads.