Wednesday, April 26, 2006
New Bush Chief of Staff and His Five-Point Plan
Bush Jr. is now running scared, and in a LAST-DITCH EFFORT to quell the rising tide of collapsing approval, Rove has been fired and a new babysitter has been appointed to supervise the LAST SIX MONTHS of the BUSH CRIME FAMILY'S hold on the White House. But, the REAL PROBLEM remains!
NEW BUSH CHIEF OF STAFF AND HIS FIVE-POINT PLAN (and why none of this will work)
by Kentroversy
Just a few days ago, Bush's approval rating had fallen to 33%, and yet, today CNN announced that this has now fallen to 32%. This is the reason, I personally believe, WHY we haven't seen a further false-flag terrorist attack in this country. I don't think that they would risk the collapse of their entire empire, just to try to bully us further into submission. It feels so good to be on the winning side. With all of us sticking together and NOT ALLOWING this to continue, we can defeat these people.
In fact, we ALREADY ARE . . .
Bush Jr. is really backed up against a wall, as I was quite amused to learn from this week's TIME.COM article on the hiring of new chief of staff Josh Bolten. Hmmmm, I wonder if he is related to John Bolton? Judging by the Bush Crime Family's past behavior, I would say that yes, they probably ARE related in some way.
The article was the unveilling of a hilarious five-point plan, which nearly had me rolling on the floor in convulsive laughter. Below, I will suspend all the details, but I will list the five-points as listed, along with my own comments on why each one is doomed to fail.
Here is an excerpt from the TIME.COM article:
Friends and colleagues of Bolten told TIME about an informal, five-point "recovery plan" for Bush that is aimed at pushing him up slightly in opinion polls and reassuring Republican activists, whose disaffection could cost him dearly in November. The White House has no visions of expanding the G.O.P.'s position in the midterms; the mission is just to hold on to control of Congress by playing to the base. Here is the Bolten plan:
1 DEPLOY GUNS AND BADGES. This is an unabashed play to members of the conservative base who are worried about illegal immigration. Under the banner of homeland security, the White House plans to seek more funding for an extremely visible enforcement crackdown at the Mexican border, including a beefed-up force of agents patrolling on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). "It'll be more guys with guns and badges," said a proponent of the plan. "Think of the visuals. The President can go down and meet with the new recruits. He can go down to the border and meet with a bunch of guys and go ride around on an ATV." Bush has long insisted he wants a guest-worker program paired with stricter border enforcement, but House Republicans have balked at temporary legalization for immigrants, so the President's ambition of using the issue to make the party more welcoming to Hispanics may have to wait.
Kentroversy Comment: This has become the number one issue of a pissed-off population, in response to their own realization that this is being done on purpose in an effort to Balkanize this country, which as I have explained in earlier articles on the illegal immigration issue, is the deliberate division of a country into smaller mutually hostile regions or groups. This is the method used to manipulate Civil Wars into being.
This is also how they will rip apart this country, to destroy our national sovereignty. Before THEY can have their precious New World Odor, they must first DESTROY all the nation-states of the world, including the lone, remaining superpower, the USA (which is quickly becoming the USSA).
"We don't need none of your stinking badges!" to quote one of my all-time favorite Hollywood film one-liners.
The Minutemen made Bush Jr. look like the moron he really is, and now with 81% of America now against him on the issue of illegal immigration, and he comes along with an half-assed effort to ass-kiss the entire country!! And he plans on doing this to save his Neo-Fascist-Nazi Party in Congress, all in SIX MONTHS?!
It will be interesting to watch Junior's public meltdown!
2 MAKE WALL STREET HAPPY. In an effort to curry favor with dispirited Bush backers in the investment world, the Administration will focus on two tax measures already in the legislative pipeline--extensions of the rate cuts for stock dividends and capital gains. "We need all these financial TV shows to be talking about how great the economy is, and that only happens when their guests from Wall Street talk about it," said a presidential adviser. "This is very popular with investors, and a lot of Republicans are investors."
Kentroversy Comment: One of the problems that they will have in delivering THIS ONE is that the economy is now in the early stage of true collapse, and my guess is that Bush Jr. is hoping that he will be safely back in Crawford by the time the shit truly hits the fan!
Making WALL STREET happy will involve some financial sleight of hand that I do not see them getting away with at this point. You see, the Bush Crime Family loves surveillance so much, that now, THEY ARE THE ONE'S BEING WATCHED VERY CLOSELY.
The recent move to secret the details of the M3 monetary supply was done to HIDE just how much cash will have to be dumped into circulation to try to abate the shitstorm. Also, as I have frequently mentioned, the national debt is now in the process of exponentiating and growing with increasing rapidity. This is NOT a good sign.
Finally, just as there is an INVERSE RELATIONSHIP between paper money and precious metals, just one look at the current prices of both GOLD and SILVER will show that they both are at multi-decade highs. Another nail in the coffin, so to speak.
3 BRAG MORE. White House officials who track coverage of Bush in media markets around the country said he garnered his best publicity in months from a tour to promote enrollment in Medicare's new prescription-drug plan. So they are planning a more focused and consistent effort to talk about the program's successes after months of press reports on start-up difficulties. Bolten's plan also calls for more happy talk about the economy. With gas prices a heavy drain on Bush's popularity, his aides want to trumpet the lofty stock market and stable inflation and interest rates. They also plan to highlight any glimmer of success in Iraq, especially the formation of a new government, in an effort to balance the negative impression voters get from continued signs of an incubating civil war.
Kentroversy Comment: If any reader has a parent or older relative that got jammed into the MEDICARE PART D agreement in January 2006, go ask them what they think of the program. Everyone I have spoken to about this, has complained about their having had nothing but problems with this new system. Worse yet, the OLD system was working fine, and as far as I can see, what they have done is make things much more complicated.
Iraq is a place that they went with no intention of leaving, and anything about leaving is just smoke and mirrors.
LEAVING IRAQ has become the new WHERE IS OSAMA? --- two questions the Bush Crime Family hopes that we forget about.
4 RECLAIM SECURITY CREDIBILITY. This is the riskiest, and potentially most consequential, element of the plan, keyed to the vow by Iran to continue its nuclear program despite the opposition of several major world powers. Presidential advisers believe that by putting pressure on Iran, Bush may be able to rehabilitate himself on national security, a core strength that has been compromised by a discouraging outlook in Iraq. "In the face of the Iranian menace, the Democrats will lose," said a Republican frequently consulted by the White House. However, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll this April 8-11, found that 54% of respondents did not trust Bush to "make the right decision about whether we should go to war with Iran."
Kentroversy Comment: Bush Jr. has NO REMAINING CREDIBILITY whatsoever. The Bush Crime Family is doing the same to Iran, as what they did with Iraq. Are we truly that asleep, as to fall for this bullshit YET AGAIN?!
Come on people, contact the White House and your Congressional leaders and BITCH about this! A phone call takes like three minutes, and all the information you need to make that call is right on this very website under the CONTACTING THE U.S. CONGRESS section.
Besides, making these calls will make you feel like part of the solution, instead of your continued silence providing cover for the problem!
5 COURT THE PRESS. Bolten is extremely guarded around reporters, but he knows them and, unlike some of his colleagues, is not scared of them. Administration officials said he believes the White House can work more astutely with journalists to make its case to the public, and he recognizes that the President has paid a price for the inclination of some on his staff to treat them dismissively or high-handedly. His first move, working with counselor Dan Bartlett, was to offer the press secretary job to Tony Snow of Fox News radio and television, a former newspaper editorial writer and onetime host of Fox News Sunday who served George H.W. Bush as speechwriting director. Snow, a father of three and a sax player, is the bona fide outsider that Republican allies have long prescribed for Bushworld and would bring irreverence to a place that hasn't seen a lot of fun lately. "White Houses are weird places," he told a 2004 panel on White House speechwriting. Snow had his colon removed after he was found to have cancer last year, but his doctors have approved the possibility of his taking the grueling post.
Veterans of this and other Republican White Houses said that although they believe Bolten's first corrections have helped, they have not gone deep enough, mainly because most key decision makers--including Bolten, Rove and their staffs--continue to be people who have been in the Bush bubble for six years or more. "Where's the innovation? Where's the perspective?" said a friend of Bush's, who described the staff as so insular that it is hobbled by what he calls the "white-men-can't-jump syndrome"--the inability to soar. So now Bolten must prove to his many constituencies, internal and external, that although he's a veteran of the Bush team, he can still get it off the ground.
Kentroversy Comment: I have an idea!
Tomorrow, I am going to call and see if I can get an interview with this Josh Bolten person. But, because I am NOT a Bilderberg-approved talking-head, I am certain that I will be told NO. But, it might be worth it just to report about the experience afterwards.
Then, we'll see just how much Josh Bolten will HAPPY TALK me!
CONCLUSION: The reports such as this would be hysterically funny, if they weren't related to such serious subject matter. This five-point plan shows two things, which are particularily illuminating. First, it shows how badly Junior is running scared. What is this, like the FIFTH TIME they have attempted to re-launch his second term?! This also shows just how out of touch Junior really is, to actually believe that he will be able to pull this one off.
It is a ploy of desperation, and it also shows the clinical mental-illness from which the Smirking Chimp suffers.
While it might be rather crude to say so, nevertheless, it does appear that George Bush Jr. is the Christopher Reeve of Lame Duck Presidents.
He doesn't stand a chance!
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Can The New Sheriff Tame The West Wing? (pg. 1) - TIME (April 23, 2006)
Can The New Sheriff Tame The West Wing? (pg. 2) - TIME (April 23, 2006)
Can The New Sheriff Tame The West Wing? (pg. 3) - TIME (April 23, 2006)
Can The New Sheriff Tame The West Wing? (pg. 4) - TIME (April 23, 2006)
Josh Bolten
Bush Crime Family
Dr. Justin Frank
Illegal Immigration
oil prices
price gouging
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