The graphic above shows the current extent of the illegal immigration problem. This is absolutely outrageous, and completely unacceptable! If YOU do not like what you see in this map above, please visit NUMBERS USA and join the fight against the invasion of our country, which is being done for the purposes of later merging Mexico, AmeriKa, and Canada.
by Kentroversy
Battle lines have been drawn in the fight to save our country from being over-run by the RECONQUISTA movement, in which non-citizens from Mexico somehow believe that a significant portion of the southwestern United States belongs to them, and needs to be liberated and reconquered. While I am going to say right here and now that while I am fully AGAINST illegal immigration, I have no beef or axe to grind related to these same people applying for LEGAL IMMIGRANT STATUS, of which there are well-defined procedures to be followed.
While there are still those of you who do not see the BIG PICTURE here, let me explain that where this is heading, according to immigration experts, is to an ultimate collapse of the social order of this country. This is a political concept known as Balkanization, the deliberate action of dividing up a country into smaller mutually hostile states or groups. This will end up devolving into a civil war between American Patriots, and those who invade our borders for FREE SOCIAL SERVICES such as free housing, welfare, food stamps, and these people stand at the head of these lines, and are approved, while those in real need who are citizens of this country, are turned away for a lack of funds.
I know people to which this has personally happened!
On Friday, April 21, 2006, I contacted the Erie Country Department of Social Services, and spoke OFF THE RECORD with a case worker there. I was told in complete anonymity that there have been policy memos that have been handed down from the Federal government that have MANDATED the priorities as I outline them above. I was also told during that same conversation, that this issue has led to staff resignations from those staffers who have most vociferously opposed such policies.
While there are those who might disagree with a government employee resigning what is perceived as a JOB FOR LIFE, I have to applaud them for having the courage to stand up for their convictions.
Bravo! It's about time, people! Thank you for FINALLY seeing the light!
The Gallup/USA Today poll results of April 7-9, 2006 show a rising tide of public outrage over this issue. Leading 'anti-illegal immigration' advocates such as NUMBERS USA's Roy Beck and American Patriot Frosty Wooldridge have been reporting some outrageous illegal behavior of these RECONQUISTA's --- such as the murder of more than 700 along the Texas-New Mexico border, a sharp increase in related crimes (petty street AND organized crime), and even the intimidation of those of us who refuse to speak Spanish.
The Gallup/USA Today Poll of April 7-9, 2006 shows that those who want immigration levels REDUCED, now outnumber those who want it INCREASED by a three-to-one margin --- 47% for reduction and only 15% for increased immigration. By currently available numbers, there are now between 20-40 MILLION illegals in this country!
While the power of NUMBERS USA was recently felt on Capitol Hill, the past behavior of the traitors in Congress is to re-introducing similar bills until they get what THEY want. So, the scum will return, and those of us who actually care about this country, will have to remain vigilant, and KEEP MAKING THOSE PHONE CALLS AND SENDING THOSE FAXES!
As Winston Churchill once so famously said:
"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!"
--- Winston Churchill; Prime Minister of England
When asked if they felt immigration was OUT OF CONTROL, 81% of poll respondents said YES, while only 16% said NO. This 16% is consistent with the number above, where only 15% said they wanted immigration INCREASED.
However, these numbers above, and this poll in general, should NOT be construed as anti-immigration --- because in the next question, 63% stated that the immigrants could stay --- so long as they follow the same procedures as those our own ancestors followed when OUR FAMILIES first came to this nation, just as mine did three generations ago, when my great-grandfather and his family came over to the Western New York area from Europe in the late 1800's.
The poll then asked which of the following FIVE POLICIES would be most effective in battling illegal immigration. The following numbers represent the percentage of those who responded with a reply of VERY EFFECTIVE:
- "Instituting tough penalties for businesses that employ illegal immigrants" 52%
- "Significantly increasing the number of officers patrolling U.S. borders" 37%
- "Not allowing illegal immigrants to use American schools and hospitals" 30%
- "Taking action to raise the standard of living in countries where large numbers of immigrants come from" 28%
- "Building a wall along the border with Mexico" 18%
The graphic above shows the results of a Gallup/USA Today poll conducted on April 7-9, 2006, and published on April 13, 2006. Clearly, the more educated Americans are becoming on this issue, the more enraged and upset they are becoming. This is reflected in the poll results in the above graphic. Click on graphic to view enlarged chart of poll results.
I invite the reader to investigate this for themselves, and if anyone reading these words lives in an area of the country where illegal immigration is a growing problem, please write me privately, as I would like to include your comments in future articles in this series.
Remember what Churchill said:
"We shall NEVER surrender!"
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Gallup/USA Today Poll Results (April 13, 2006) - Gallup/USA Today FULL Poll Results (April 13, 2006)
Numbers USA - Join The Action Network Page
Numbers USA - Public Opinion Page
Mr. President - They Didn't Die For OPEN Borders - Frosty Wooldridge (April 21, 2006)
Hispanic Leaders Brag About Anti-White Hate, Racism - Frosty Wooldridge (April 13, 2006)
Roy Beck
Illegal Immigration
polling data
U.S. Immigration Policies
Frosty Wooldridge
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