Now in its' fifth season, 24 on FOX-TV features extensive use of cell phones. On the May 1, 2006 episode, the star of the show, Kiefer Sutherland --- who plays counter-terrorism agent Jack Bauer --- was shown either making or receiving a total of FIVE cell phone calls from an airplane flying at HIGH ALTITUDE.
As we have already learned from A.K. Dewdney's Project Achilles, such phone calls are IMPOSSIBLE!
KENTROVERSY COMMENT: The idea that Rupert Murdoch is one of the leading purveyors of propaganda has plenty of evidence behind it. By simply taking a look at some of the most egregious propaganda pieces of both television and film, one discovers that Rupert Murdoch is not too far away.
by Kentroversy
I rarely revisit a topic about which I have previously written, unless there is a substantial bit of new information to be offered which updates the story. On May 1, 2006, FOX-TV network show '24' featured an airplane from which counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer must retrieve a recording that implicates President Charles Logan in the murder of his immediate predecessor, President David Palmer. Similarities to George Bush Sr. and the JFK assassination aside, the murder was justified in Logan's mind, simply because Palmer "had gotten himself involved in something he shouldn't have."
During this episode, the MYTH of cell phones on airplanes was once again revived, and it is my personal belief that this was written into the episode as a bit of propaganda reinforcement, and this is because the entire 9/11 scenario DEPENDS upon the people believing that cell phone use on airplanes is not only possible, but was a necessary part of the OFFICIAL-FICTION of what happened on that day.
In all, there were FIVE CELL PHONE CALLS that were shown being sent TO AND FROM the plane --- and my best guess as to why this was shown so many times over the course of thirty-six minutes of the episode, was because POWERS THAT BE, INC. (a globalist corporation) are that desperate for this MYTH to be believed by the citizens of this nation.
One of these five calls was a patched-in call, which traveled along the following route; air-land-air. This was where Bauer was on the plane, calling the ground, and asking to be patched back into the pilot's communication system. This was so ridiculous that I actually HAD TO LAUGH. THEY must really think people are MORONS to believe in these things, which are simply IMPOSSIBLE.
Furthermore, any of the planes on which I have ever flown, all had these satellite phones embedded into the seat backs, for the use of the passengers. Beyond this, it is also against FAA regulations to use a cell phone while a plane is in-flight.
Therefore, FOX can show all the cell phone calls they want, and that doesn't make them any more possible, even if it follows that old chestnut adage:
"Tell a LIE enough times, and it becomes the TRUTH."
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
24 Episode Guide - '2:00am-3:00am' (May 1, 2006)
More Holes In The Official Story: The 9/11 Cell Phone Calls (August 10, 2004)
Project Achilles (Parts 1, 2, and 3) - AK Dewdney (January 23, February 25, and April 19, 2003)
Cell Phones
Rupert Murdoch
Kiefer Sutherland
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