Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Teacher's House Ransacked, Attempts On Life For 911 Data

Teachers' life threatened because he suggested that 9/11 may have been an "inside job."

by Greg Szymanski

A story appeared several months which caught the eye of readers, a story about a high school teacher suspended for saying 9/11 was inside job during a casual conversation in the lunch room with another teacher.

The comments and subsequent seven day suspension of Columbus High School teacher Thomas Mustric caught the attention of America, as people on both side of the 9/11 issue either called him a hero or called him a chump.

But behind Mustric's freedom of speech, lunch room school story lies much, much more. Behind his comments made about 9/11 is a tale of intrigue, assassination attempts and civil rights violations so egregious it makes the hair on even the most apathetic of Americans stand on edge.

In a story like Mustric's the tendency is to cry "foul" for a free speech infringement, say goodbye to Mustric and wish him well in his future teaching endeavors. But like most stories, if one digs deep enough and asks the right questions, the unexpected comes forward like finding gold in a dried up old Texas creek.

And that's just what happened last week as Mustric went through the motions, telling a radio audience about his unfortunate incident about the 9/11 comments that led to a short suspension and the eventual reinstatement of his substitute teaching position.

But last week during the final moments of a one hour interview on Greg Szymanski's Investigative Journal radio program, Mustric mentioned in passing how his phone had been tapped and his house had been broken into on numerous occasions, as he suspected Black Ops government agents also removed his computer and research files.

It turns out Mustric, a teacher by day and an activist by night, has been on the hit list of the fascist American regime for quite some time, as the "Clark Kent" type super-activist disguised as a teacher has had at least six assassination attempts made on his life.

And as it turns out, Mustric is the perfect example of "you can't tell a book by looking at the cover" as the soft spoken social studies teacher with the dark rimmed glasses has been meeting undercover with military whistleblowers about sensitive 9/11 data showing government complicity and collecting information about illegal weapons transfers to Bosnia by former President Clinton, including illegal arms sales to Israel and Iraq.

In fact, in his capacity as running a Middle East peace group, Mustric turns out to be a silent but deadly investigator and top notch super-sleuth. And according to Mustric authorities were so interested in his activities, they pilfered two extremely hot and dangerous files from his Ohio apartment.

"Two files were removed from my home: 1) my material in "file" on his name (the military whistleblower from Wright Patterson Air Force Base) and 2) the name of the Arab Computer company from Cincinnati, Ohio, allowed to "down load all the intelligence on all of our airports" all prior to 911," said Mustric. "Other files removed included my talks with Department of State regarding a weapon transfer sale approved by Clinton for Bosnia.

"In 1995 Sadam Hussein ordered 2000 copies of special assassination rifles @ $15,000 per copy plus alleged ballistics, with long range capability. I went to Washington D.C. to the White House but did not have clearances, so SS met with me at my location in DC early in the AM. That late morning I went to DOS, meeting with about seven notables for about seven minutes, and heard seven words three time, "You know what you have to do" and all quickly left the briefing Iraq desk room.

"I returned to CMH to next meet with former Prime Minister Peres for 45 minutes during his book signing. An Iraq purchase of such capable weapons was not in the best interest for Israel, my Middle East peace project, and for Clinton's first visit to Israel that next weekend.

"Anyway, I though it important to protect the president, divert the weapons---and all I knew is that they were ordered from Remington and shipped. Israel may have spent some 63 million is a series of events. The weapons were disassembled with extreme prejudice, so was the Iraqi General who was to divert the weapons from Bosnia."

In order to tell a more complete story about Mustric's activities in his private quest for peace and justice in what looks like a David vs. Goliath scenario, he provided the Arctic Beacon a detailed account of his home break-ins, attempts on his life and other assorted encounters with authorities.

Upon Mustric's request, the high level names involved in his harassment and incriminating details have been left out for his safety and protection. However, he did say:

"Regarding the many illegal entries into my home. I met with my Congressional representative about my "illegal entries" problems regarding matters of national security concerns on 9/11.

"Depending on how you count, I have experienced five or six attempted assassinations by actors under color of law. Regarding my 911 file materials removed from my home: I presented the information to my political science former grad advisor professor at the Ohio State University. I told him of my meeting with a commander at Wright Patterson Air Force Base outside the Columbus Mayor's office. He was upset that the Mayor would not see him, nor would the Ohio governor Taft, or the Mayor of Dayton.

The earlier attempts on my life go back to the late 60s at the Ohio State University, where in another remarkable story, I was told by a "deep throat" that the "FBI was going to try to drive me insane." This was over my being in a six year program to study world views. In a meeting with Art and Science Dean Oats, he complained that my plan of study to "write a book" being a six year program was outside the change of Selective Service to complete your major line of study in 4 years. After deep throat met with me, I made my behavior very predictable to see how FBI would take the advantage, since I was also pre-med going into psychiatry. However, because the "intelligence" community also studied my psychology experiments results, my sample theme, and my autobiography, I was recruited to do my service in 3 days to cooperate on a psychological profile study of President Papa Doc---granted unless we declared war. I was next invited to help sophisticate "mafia wars" in NYC, using "psychological enriched environment programs, PEEPS," which I turned down. You have to understand PEEP to understand Able Danger and 911."

© 2006 Arctic Beacon
All rights reserved. Used with permission.


The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .

Scholars For 9/11 Truth website

Teacher's House Ransacked, Attempts On Life For 911 Data (June 28, 2006)

Top Experts To Expose 9/11 Fraud At L.A. Conference (May 24, 2006)

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