Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Charlie Sheen Talks About 9/11

Charlie Sheen, star of the CBS hit comedy Two and a Half Men, talks about 9/11 and thought-control.

On the March 20, 2006 edition of the ALEX JONES talk-radio show, his guest, for an hour, was film and television actor Charlie Sheen. The Sheen family of actors are very well known activists, with father Martin Sheen being arrested on more than one occasion for his activism, I was interested to hear what Charlie Sheen had to say. I was curious if he was intelligent and well-versed about the subjects he has claimed to have researched. To my pleasant surprise, yes he was, he was very knowledgeable about many subjects.

What I was most intrigued by were two statements he made about being forced to believe certain things about what happened on that day:

Charlie Sheen Statement # 1:

"And so, as the days and weeks went on, I was sort of told what to believe. And I was told through mainstream media, and all of the talking-heads about what really happened. But, what bothers me even more about all of this is that all of this stuff existed from day one. If you start looking at all of the news reporting AFTER day one, the official-story starts to find its' way into our consciousness."

--- Charlie Sheen; talking to Alex Jones (March 20, 2006)

Later in this same interview, Charlie Sheen makes this statement concerning a crew member of his CBS television show TWO AND A HALF MEN:

Charlie Sheen Statement # 2:

"There's this young kid at work, he's from Nigeria, and he's in the production department. He sort of overheard a conversation I was having about the events of 9/11. He said it was interesting, because at the time, he was a student at George Washington University, in downtown DC. And, he said the day after the [9/11] event, that federal teams that we're describing as 'Trauma Counselors,' came to his school, came to his college, came into the classrooms, and basically told them:

"You're all in shock. What we've seen was unlike anything we've ever witnessed. We understand that in moments like this, that your memory, your eyes, will play tricks on you IN THE FUTURE. So, if anybody's questioning what we're telling you has happened. DO NOT BELIEVE what you think you know about yesterday."

"They were basically telling them, here's the story, have a good day."

--- Charlie Sheen; talking to Alex Jones (March 20, 2006)

KENTROVERSY COMMENT: The interesting thing about these two statements is that because of the Internet, we are now privvy to more information than at any other point in our collective lifetimes. NAPSTER is squished by the BEAST, and BIT TORRENT rises to take its' place. And, when I get to thinking about INTERNET 2 and the globalist sanitizing thereof, I get to thinking that perhaps something like STEGANOGRAPHY will help to save the day when that time comes.

And, because more and more people are shutting off their mainstream news, fewer and fewer people are believing the BIG LIES.

And the thought of federal agents posing as 'trauma counselors' is so vile and despicable, but, it does show the lengths to which these traitors will go to meet their ends.

But, the idea that I keep getting to is this:

What are they going to do, arrest us ALL?! Telling the TRUTH is now being equated with terrorism. If THAT is their plan on how to handle those of us who are awake, and those of us who are in the process of waking up, like some of you who read this site, they are going to lose out and by their own eagerness to push us down, THEY will be responsible for waking up more people than ALEX JONES could ever dream of.

If telling the TRUTH is now a terrorist act, I guess you can call me OSAMA BIN KENTROVERSY.

© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.


The following source was used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .

Charlie Sheen Talks To Alex Jones (March 20, 2006)


  1. As more people wake up, will they have the strength to act on what they saw or turn a blind eye to it?

  2. Greetings:

    There will always be those who will afraid to speak their mind, and there will be those of US who will always take the lead --- who would have thought that this site would have turned out as successful as it has?

    I would have been THE LAST ONE to think that.

    The way I look at things, I have to keep trying to shake some people awake, because if I don't, my silence aids and abets the enemy.

    If you read the Donald Fagen quote which is in the masthead of the site, that says it all, as far as I'm concerned.

    Buffalo, New York USA

  3. "What are they going to do, arrest us ALL?! Telling the TRUTH is now being equated with terrorism. If THAT is their plan on how to handle those of us who are awake, and those of us who are in the process of waking up, like some of you who read this site, they are going to lose out and by their own eagerness to push us down, THEY will be responsible for waking up more people than ALEX JONES could ever dream of."- I really hope this does happen, for if not, we are going to face darkness for a long time to come. But of course they have planned all of the present long ago in past. They will though try to divide the awake, hopeing that mistrust and paranoia take root to the point in which there is no organization; for this is really the only solution in the end, for really to take back control again, there has to be a removal of the Illuminati, or otherwise there blood will just seep back into everything that it has been removed from, as it has done over the many years over this Earth.
