MoveOn: Bush Jr. Must Be Censured For Breaking The Law
'Resident Bush Jr. has been giving America THE FINGER, and now, it is time for him to go ...
It is clear now that the president has been repeatedly and willingly breaking the law to wiretap American citizens without a warrant. Congress must hold him accountable, and a reasonable first step is censure to show formal Congressional condemnation for his lawbreaking.
KENTROVERSY COMMENT: Bush Jr. must go because of many things he has done to destroy this nations' credibility in the eyes of the world. The matter of ILLEGAL NSA WIRETAPS supercedes, by far, ANYTHING Bill Clinton did with a consenting adult in the OVAL OFFICE.
Is a LIE about an act of oral sex greater than a LIE based on falsified data to lead our nation to war?
Is a LIE about Monica Lewinsky, who was herself, allegedly a MOSSAD AGENT sent to entrap the sex-crazy Clinton, greater than a LIE about the ILLEGAL NSA WIRETAPPING of American citizens? has put up a petition about this very subject on their website, and I ask that each and every person reading these words, goes and signs the petition, which is listed below, in the SOURCES section.
MoveOn: "Congress must censure President Bush for breaking the law to wiretap American citizens without a warrant."
© 2006 Political Action™
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following source was used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . . Petition to Censure Bush Jr.
NOTE: The "President Bush Must be Censured for Breaking the Law" campaign is brought to you by Political Action™.
What does this guy (Dubya) have to do for people to finally take action? I think we are stuck with him because most people don't seem to give a damn what he does.
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