Hillary Clinton's Hidden Agenda of Manipulation

The elite handlers of Hillary Clinton will be presenting a hidden agenda of manipulation in an attempt to overcome her highly negative image in the minds of those in New York State whom she has represented in the United States Senate. To overcome this highly negative image with voters, a carefully manufactured popularity with be presented by placing her in front of handpicked audiences where nothing will be left to chance.
Please note in the above photo, Hillary is pictured with inverted pentagrams from the U.S. flag. These New World Order criminals love to slip inverted pentagrams into their publicity photos, as it relates their true allegience to the DARK FORCES which they evoke to remain in power.
by Kentroversy
Now that Hillary Clinton's HIDDEN AGENDA OF MANIPULATION has been unveiled, it is time to begin examining this matter under the microscope of logic and verifiable facts. She is such a devisive and unlikable personality, that this entire Presidential run is going to have to be carefully orchestrated. I will be here every step of the way, where at appropriate times throughout the campaign, I will comment on and describe what is happening. The best way to learn about this manipulation via the mass media, is to watch it develop before our very eyes!
All one needs to do is go back to the online archives and watch President Eisenhower's infamous speech where he warned of the Military-Industrial Complex to see how polished the candidates of today are. Hillary Clinton is no exception to this, either. She is a very well-trained and savvy public speaker, and upon watching her Town Hall Meeting in Des Moines, Iowa on January 27, 2007, where the whole dog and pony show begins when the Iowa caucuses kick off on January 14, 2008, heralding this historic, albeit completely fabricated, event of Hillary becoming the first woman President of the United States.
In fact, I was the first person in the research community to talk about Hillary as the future first woman President, which I did on an online message board on September 26, 2002. For those readers who may be a bit skeptical, or who may merely want to verify my statement, the link is below for reader verfication. In fact, this was one of the reasons why her husband HAD TO BE impeached for his own sexual dalliances which he was so distasteful to have done in the Oval Office. This was a two-for-one for the global elite. They got to damage the credibility and the reputation of the office of President, while at the same time, they lifted Hillary's image in the eyes of some women, as a wife who had endured so much from a cheating husband.

Click on the image above to see an enlargement of a screenshot of my September 26, 2002 message board posting, where I identify Hillary Clinton as the future first woman President of the United States [highlighted in RED]. I was the first person in the research community to state this, eclipsing such knowledgable people as David Icke and Alex Jones, who would say the same thing, albeit much later than September 26, 2002.
The marketing and image consulting firms that these candidates are trained by are, in most cases, fronts for the CIA, whose specialty is controlling information, propaganda, and the subconscious manipulation of a large targeted audience. They are trained in how to stand, sit, walk, shake hands, and most especially how to adopt what I will refer to as POWER STANCES. This is the use of body language to assert authority and control over their target audience. This also extends to the clothes they wear, and the colors that are worn on specific days for purposes of harnessing energy to make themselves more powerful and to exert more control over their constituents.
Hillary was also trained in how to TALK in front of the mass media, whether it is on television or radio. This includes the use of something that THEY refer to as TALKING POINTS, but I call them MARKETING SOUNDBITES. These are short seconds-long quotes that address a specific concern by a portion of the potential voter base. These so called marketing soundbites are then used when Hillary is being interviewed on one of those Sunday morning political talk-shows. There, she will repeat some nugget that her supporters want to hear.
Contrast Hillary's ease in front of the camera with Bush Jr's low-intelligence behavior while the eyes of the media are upon him. Bush Jr. is very confusing for some people to listen to. Whenever he is talking about war and death and conquest, he speaks fluently without any trouble at all. However, when he tries to sound compassionate, he mis-pronounces words, he jumbles his sentences, and usually makes one of those embarassed faces, where he scrunches-up his face, tilting it towards one shoulder ...

Compared to this example of barely-functional low IQ in the guise of George Bush Jr., Hillary comes across as a political rock star, and that is exactly the point. The Bush's and Clinton's are playing a very high-stakes game of good cop/bad cop. In a previous article, which I published on January 20, 2007 -- I pointed out how the Clinton's and the Bush's are Crime Family Kissing Cousins -- with a Presidential victory by Hillary meaning that this same group has controlled the White House from 1980-2016 -- a total of THIRTY-SIX YEARS when (and not if) Hillary wins re-election.

The graphic above numerates the thirty-six consecutive years that the Bush-Clinton dynasty will have been in power, by the time the re-election of Hillary Clinton occurs. After Hillary, will it be Jeb or George P. Bush who becomes President? Most likely, it will be Jeb's son who succeeds his uncle in office. Are Americans really THIS ASLEEP, to fall for this time and again?
I am considering that, during the Reagan years, it was Bush Sr. who was really running things, as Reagan had already been showing early signs of Alzhiemer's during his first term, which was said to be exacerbated by the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt, which was carried out on behalf of the Bush Crime Family, by the mind-controlled son of one of George Bush Sr's close business associates, John Hinckley Sr.
But, don't think for one moment that Bush Jr. is the LAST of that band of criminals from which we will suffer in the White House. Plans are afoot to unveil Jeb Bush's son, George P. Bush, as the first-ever Hispanic President of the United States.

George P. Bush, who is currently being groomed for a spot as America's First Hispanic President. Remember, I am telling you about this a minimum of EIGHT YEARS before it will actually happen! This is how far in advance these people are s'elected for President.
Oh God, help us all survive these demons ...
THE DELPHI TECHNIQUE: The Divide and Conquer of a Town Hall Meeting Audience
There is a reason why all political meetings are set up in a format known as a TOWN HALL MEETING. While to the uninitiated observer or participant, it looks inviting to open participation by those in attendence, it actually is the format in which the audience is under the greatest amount of CONTROL by those holding or carrying out the meeting. There is something called THE DELPHI TECHNIQUE, which utilizes the three-step process known as the Hegelian Dialectic, more popularly known as Problem-Reaction-Solution. This is a three-step process of acquiring collective opinions, and then, these opinions are melded into a concensus, in which an amalgam of this series of opinions then become THE OPINION representing the larger group. This technique eliminates all dissenting opinions, and allows a person like Hillary Clinton to never have to face anything resembling TRUE OPPOSITION in this setting.
With the use of this technique, a facilitator from the controlling team wanders through the audience before the broadcast begins, looking for a very specific kind of participant. Often times, these participants are campaign workers, potential likely voters, and others who will stack the deck in favor of the evening's host or hostess. Here, both particpants AND questions are carefully vetted. The ones that stick to the MARKETING SOUNDBYTES are in, while the ones that address issues of true opposition to the candidate are certainly out. In this second instance, they know where to avoid placing their microphones and cameras, as nothing at all is left to chance.
The overarching principle behind the DELPHI TECHNIQUE is this reaching of the concensus group opinion, which is then controlled through the use of the MARKETING SOUNDBITES to which I referred a moment ago. To assure control over the TOWN HALL MEETING format, index cards are passed out before the meeting. On these cards, participants are invited to write down a question they would want to ask the candidate. Immediately, anyone who wishes to ask what I might call a REAL QUESTION, is immediately eliminated from participation. In this way, a carefully manicured image can be presented on television, which is completely controlled by the candidate's handlers. The use of television cameras helps to quickly identify the seating orientation of those who intend on asking softball questions, which are again completely controlled by Hillary's handlers.
And this is exactly what was seen in Des Moines, Iowa on January 27, 2007 -- and will remain an identifiable feature of the complete campaign from this point forward. Look for it, and know the DELPHI TECHNIQUE when you see it.
One danger of this technique occurs if a member of the audience fails to follow the program. If Hillary should receive an antagnostic question, or line of questioning from one or more members of this hand-picked audience, she immediately assumes the role of the victim. Most audience members, in a situation like this, would fall into the trap that is pre-built within the Delphi Technique structure -- which is to lose their temper and become angry or agitated. This allows Hillary to play the role of the victim, instead of the other way around. This way, any factual mention of wrongdoing can be writen off as tin-foil hat conspiracy theory ONLY, and Hillary can play up on the appearance of her being attacked by an audience member. Once a person knows what to look for, the entire affair takes on an aura of a badly written high-school play -- theatre at its' most absurd.
With the audience member assuming the role of the victim, a most embarrassing situation would ensue. The audience participant could ask something like "Why do you refuse to address real issues, instead of always giving these soundbite platitudes?" and we would see Hillary lose her place and perhaps even get frustrated or angry, as Bush Jr. has done on the few occasions in which a similar situation had happened to him. And because this does not happen often or with any regularity, it shows just how tightly controlled these situations are.
The proof of this was found within those who were allowed to ask Hillary questions. They were members of the college that Hillary attended, people who lived in towns neighboring where she now lives in New York State, people who were friends of friends, and so on. One young woman nervously announced that Hillary was her personal hero, which upon hearing this, I found myself laughing aloud. They couldn't have made things any more obvious, now could they?
The chances of something like this happening, absent some behind-the-scenes DELPHI TECHNIQUE manipulation, are astronomical in and of themselves. Therefore, what we are actually seeing at times like this, is a controlled situation, from beginning to end. However, the sleeping masses in the United States didn't even notice that practically NO ONE in that Iowa Town Hall Meeting had an Iowa accent!
Think of all of this in the following way ...
With Bush Jr. having only a 30% approval rating, which is claimed as the absolute lowest in the entire history of Presidential polling, he has little credibility and support left. But, because they are placing those of us with dissenting opinions in these illegal and un-Constitutional Free-Speech Zones, the typical television viewer has no sense of any dissent, because it is never shown. So, in order to keep the myth alive, they begin fabricating popularity. I urge everyone reading these words to ask random people with whom you come into contact with if THEY are planning on voting for Hillary Clinton.
See for yourself, the TRUE LEVEL of support she has in YOUR OWN AREA!
Now that I have explained the role that the TOWN HALL MEETING plays in Hillary Clinton's Presidential candidacy, I would like to talk about the issues that she brought out in her three-part webcast, the transcript links for which can be found below, in the sources section, at the end of this Kentroversy Special Report.
Hillary claims she is concerned about the American troops in Iraq.
While Hillary spent a few moments bashing Bush Jr. for his mis-handling of the Iraq debacle, she refused to provide all-out opposition to Bush Jr. Most Americans realize that Iraq was a mistake, and that the United States should immediately withdraw from what has come to be called Iraq Nam. While she states that she is firmly against the increasing of the number of troops, as per the Bush Jr. plan, she has not stated that she supports withdrawing the troops entirely.
There is a very good reason for this, and it is because Hillary's elite handlers do not intend on ever leaving Iraq, and the fourteen bases that have been already established or are in the planning stages were built to become permanent bases of operation for the United States in the Middle East theatre of operations. Once again, there is nothing left to chance in the language used by this group. The battlefield is referred to as a THEATRE of operations, and this is because everything is staged and manufactured for consumption by a population that has lost its' ability to critically analyze data that is placed before them.
The reader of this special report is going to hear Hillary make up future excuses as to WHY it is the USA will have to stay in Iraq, cancelling any plan to withdraw and bring these troops home where they belong, and not fighting to maintain the hegemony of the very group that has been enslaving them through the military-based mind-control endured during their boot camp training.
Hillary supports socialist governmental control of the national health care system.
It is really sad to me that the typical person does not understand the wider implications of nationalized socialist-communist medicine and healthcare. This has been framed as a way for the excluded to get access to affordable health insurance. But, one thing Hillary will never discuss is the ramifications of the contractual arrangement that this will create between the individual and government.
A frequent theme in Hillary Clinton's speeches involves increasing the governmental control over families and children. While she may use buzzwords like HEAD-START and evoke images of CHILD-REARING VILLAGES, these programs create a contractual third-party to all families on such a program. The usual arrangement is that the mother and father raise their own children -- but now the government is the third-party to this partnership -- and in test cases all throughout the nation -- they have interfered in family business where they formerly had no jurisdiction.
This is also how the Child Protection departments of the various states have been seperating children from their parents and families. This will also turn everyone into a governmental services recipient. An entire nation on welfare ...
Hillary mentions the TOXIC DUST which injured and killed many first responders at the site they insist must be called GROUND ZERO. However, she did NOT mention that Christie Todd Whitman, as the head of the Envioronmental Protection Agency, illegally and criminally stated that the air was safe, even when she knew it had tested unsafe and extremely TOXIC, and the Bush administration refused to provide respirators to any of the first-responders.
This is shameful, and this alone is a very good reason not to vote for this woman. Observe in a situation like this that there are plenty of clues which indicate that Democrats and Republicans alike are playing for the same team.
One of the not-so-well-known facts about the World Trade Center was that there was asbestos throughout each tower, and it had to be removed. This was quoted at a price that was close to the value of the buildings themselves. And what was an even bigger problem was how were they going to remove the asbestos in areas already occupied by offices and other support businesses, like newsstands and coffee shops and restaurants?
When those buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, the white cloud that we all saw the footage of chasing people down the street -- among other substances -- in that white cloud was asbestos. The proof of this is in the fact that a high percentage of first responders had subsequently developed Asbestosis, breathing and lung capacity problems, and many of these people have since died.
Equally as tragic was the fate of the rescue dogs, none of whom are still alive today. These poor animals were the very first to die, and there was NO WAY Hillary could NOT have known about this cover-up of the toxic air at Ground Zero, given her Senate Committee memberships on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, with a subcommittee assignment that specifically dealt with Clean Air. Additionally, Senator Clinton issued two seperate health reports on the first responders, so for her to fail to mention this issue about the asbestos-based lung problems, provides further proof that her opposition to Bush Jr's policies has been fabricated, and is not true opposition. Neither of these reports mentioned one single word about Christie Todd Whitman's lies to the first-responders, who have either already died, or are in the process of dying as you read these words.
Also, in her Town Hall Meeting in Des Moines, Iowa on January 27, 2007, Hillary Clinton attempted to link Iraq with 9/11, with her statement which intimated that Saddam Hussein was brought to justice because of his ties to Al-Qaeda (or Al-CIAeda, as we refer to them here in the USA).
Hillary claims she is interested in ending America's dependence on foreign oil.

On February 7, 2005 I had listened to the Jeff Rense radio show. That night, he had on a Baptist Minister named Lindsey Williams. He had worked on the Alaska pipeline in the 1970's, and had written a book entitled THE ENERGY NON-CRISIS, in which he had described in detail his experiences along the North Slope of Alaska during the time he worked as a spiritual counselor for those who were working on the pipeline.
Williams had been a Baptist minister for more than twenty-five years at the time of this interview, and quite frankly, he had no reason to lie or misrepresent any part of the story he would go on to tell that night. Those experiences had been recorded in a book THE ENERGY NON-CRISIS -- which could be purchased as a book or could be read online for no cost other than the time it would take to read the book.
Williams told the story of how he was placed under these secrecy oaths, and how those oaths had prevented any of the men with whom he worked side by side, from telling any part of the story of their experiences working on the pipeline. He also mentioned about how things had gotten so dire in this post-9/11 world, that he was required by his patriotism to break the very oaths that had kept him silent for more than thirty years. While I will not recount his entire story, the interested reader is invited to investigate the link below.
Lindsey began talking about what he witnessed at a place called Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. He spoke about how everything up there was placed under a shroud of NATIONAL SECURITY, and about how the oil industry was keeping a very BIG SECRET -- a secret about which Hillary Clinton is likely to be aware -- given her membership in the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. She was also likely to have known about this secret because of her advisor status in her husband's criminal Presidency, as well as her close friendship and Crime Family association with the Bush Crime Family, of which the Clinton's are an adjunct.
The secret which Lindsey Williams revealed on national talk-radio was that the North Slope of Alaska, and a place called Gull Island, has just as much oil as does all of Saudi Arabia! [see: ch. 17 - If Gull Island Didn't Blow Your Mind—This Will!] This would forever end our dependency upon foreign oil, if America were allowed to benefit from this truth.
But, once again, Hillary Clinton offers platitudes and empty rhetoric in stating her (false) desire to end the hold foreign oil carries over this nation. Additionally, if Americans became widely aware of both Prudhoe Bay and Gull Island, Alaska and the staggering amount of oil that is truly up there, the artificial inflationary price of crude oil on the global market would correct itself, and we would find a gallon of gas for UNDER a dollar a gallon, where it should be!
Lindsey also spoke of a third oil field, known as the Kuparuk oil field, which is also on the Alaskan North Slope. In terms of relative size, the smallest oil field is Prudhoe; which is 100 square miles in size, and is capable of 2 million barrels of crude oil per day for the next 40 years. Kuparuk is twice the size of Prudhoe, capable of an estimated 4 million barrels of crude oil per day for the next 60-80 years (est.). Gull Island is four times the size of Prudhoe, and is considered by those in the know as the richest oil field on the face of the planet, far surpassing anything in the Middle East. Gull Island is capable of producing an estimated 16 million barrels of crude oil per day for the next 100+ years (est.)!
And, what has been done with these three oil fields, as we now suffer with gasoline prices in the United States ranging from $2.30 to $3.00 per gallon? Both the Kuparuk and Gull Island oil fields are CAPPED, and no production is allowed, and the Prudhoe oil field is producing only a small percentage of its' full capacity. Not a single barrel of oil comes into the USA, because it is sent abroad to countries like Japan. Furthermore, the secrecy of the National Security Act of 1947 has been placed on the entire situation, which is being hidden, we are told, FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY!
And who's SECURITY are we talking about here?!
The ongoing security of the international energy cartel, and certainly NOT the security of the United States of America!!
Hillary claims she is concerned about the safety of the American troops in Iraq.
The sad truth about the Iraq imbroglio is that the United States is getting her ass kicked by the insurgency, which has been far more successful than anyone has cared to admit, especially publicly. This has been the behind-the-scenes reason WHY the troop escalation is needed. The true number of the wounded and the dead have been vastly UNDERSTATED, to a power of ten, I am told. The Bush Jr. regime has admitted to 3,000 American deaths, which is entirely unbelievable to most people. If one takes into account a more realistic 20,000 to 25,000 deaths, then the reasons for troop escalation take on an entirely new meaning. The 21,000 additional troops is merely to replace the dead and the maimed, to which they would never admit.
God fobid that the truth should affect recruitment ...
If Hillary truly cared, as she so emphatically claims, then she would be calling for their IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWL, as well as sponsoring a bill to immediately cut-off all Congressional funding for the continuing debacle. But, THAT isn't happening, and this is because the elite have NO INTENTION of ever leaving Iraq. Once the reader comes to terms with this reality, the whole affair takes on an entirely new meaning.
Hillary claims that her all time favorite film is THE WIZARD OF OZ, a movie that has quite a history of mind-control associated with it.
As I mention in my special report on the film EYES WIDE SHUT, the WIZARD OF OZ is extensively used in many mind-control protocols. So, then it was no surprise to me when Hillary Clinton mentioned that this was her all-time favorite movie! I am certain that Chelsea had been subjected to this real live, evil, and vile film throughout her childhood. The elite subject their own children to these mind control protocols, they claim, to teach them the proper ways of behaving in various situations. But, the truth of the matter is that these children are mind-controlled to keep them quiet about crimes they may witness or of which they have knowledge. The interested reader is invited to check out the writings of co-authors Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler for more details on this matter.
Here below, is a print advertisement for Maybelline make-up, which caters to the mind-controlled subject. Notice the two faces of Eve, as depicted in the ad:

The advertisement above is geared towards those women who are mind-control slaves. The Faces of Eve theme is directly related to multiple-personality disorder, a psychological condition that results from the trauma put forth in these mind-control protocols.
Hillary claims she is concerned about EQUAL PAY for women who HAVE TO work outside of the home.
It is completely bogus for Hillary to claim she stands up for equal pay for women, while she says NOTHING of the Federal Reserve's artificially created INFLATION, which forced women out of the household and into the workplace, once the combination of taxation and high increases in the cost of living created a situation in which the American family could no longer be supported by a single paycheck.
Women in the workplace had NOTHING to do with feminism and women's desire to work outside of the home. In fact, one of the figures associated with this myth, Gloria Steinem, was working as a CIA operative when she pushed forth this myth of women in the workplace. Ask any woman today, if she would rather work outside the home, or if she would rather stay at home to raise the children. I think that there should be no surprise as to the answer they ALL would give.
Hillary claims she is concerned about the rising costs of a college education and tuition.
This is more empty rhetoric, with nothing in terms of real solutions, beyond the platitudes offered here. While a couple of real solutions could have been provided, such as a federal law capping college tuition, Hillary Clinton did nothing of the sort! The outrageous and predatory pricing of college-level textbooks is yet another area in which meaningful help could have been offered -- and a Federal Law capping such prices would IMMEDIATELY benefit tens of millions of students.
However, because on one level, this also represents the deliberate dumbing-down of America, the higher prices that books are now beginning to command, only means that an increasingly fewer number of people are going to pay those prices to read. This is also true with tuition costs. The more expensive tuition becomes, fewer and fewer people will attend college or university. This has an effect of a downward spiral, with many millions of people being left behind, intellectually speaking.
And this suits the hidden agenda of the Global Elite just fine ...
Hillary claims she is concerned about the rising costs of living and retirement that most people cannot afford at this point.
In the 1980's, when things really began to get out of hand, the typical Corporate C.E.O. made TWENTY TIMES what the typical employee of that Corporation took home for their yearly salary. Today, this gap has INCREASED to FOUR-HUNDRED TIMES -- meaning that the typical worker needs to work for TWO AND A HALF YEARS (with Saturday's and Sunday's off) just to equal the C.E.O. pay for ONE SINGLE DAY of work! The gap between the have's and the have-not's has been ever-widening, and this has been so detrimental to most people's household finances, that many of the former Middle Class are now sinking into POVERTY.
Speaking of POVERTY, Hillary Clinton ignored a large constituency when she neglected to mention the MINIMUM WAGE, which is woefully out of line with most peoples' experiences on the lowest rungs of the financial ladder. The current minimum wage is $5.15 per hour, which is outrageous and predatory to a large part of the labor market. Further, this is not helped by the influx of illegal immigrants, who help to create a downward pressure on the minimum wage, as most immigrants will work for much less than an American would. Or, so they claim in Washington, DC.
According to the Wikipedia online encyclopedia:
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 on January 10, 2007 and the U.S. Senate passed its version on February 1, 2007, calling for a gradual increase in the minimum wage to $7.25 per hour by March 11, 2009. (The two bills must be reconciled in committees before being sent to the President.) If signed by President Bush, the first increase will take place 11 March 2007, to $5.85.
Even with this legislation, the Federal Minimum Wage should be $8.50 TODAY, and NOT the $7.25 the nation's working-poor will have to wait until March 2009 to receive!
Hillary claims that when her husband left office, he left both a balanced budget and a surplus, which Bush Jr. has wasted in Iraq.
Here below, is a chart which shows the surplus left by Clinton, when Bush Jr. took over to play the role of BAD COP, in their high-stakes game of GOOD-COP/BAD-COP:

The budget surplus left by Clinton is stated in the above graphic to have been $236.4 BILLION DOLLARS. The data in the chart above is from the Congressional Budget Office.
Those in the know in the government stated that Bill Clinton's budget surplus, was nothing more than accounting smoke and mirrors. There are numerous accounting tricks that can be implemented to show just about anything desired by those ordering the accounting of the financial condition of the United States government. While an explanation of how this can be easily done is outside the purview of this report, there are many websites that explain HOW financial statements can be altered to change the message being relayed through those numbers. Those interested readers are invited to investigate this on their own.
Lastly, Hillary Clinton refers to the USA as "a very large debtor nation." What she failed to relate with this statement is not only the USA a large debtor nation, the USA happens to be the NUMBER ONE DEBTOR NATION ON THE PLANET! One possible reason why she may have wanted to downplay or conceal this factoid could be that she wanted to keep the audience believing that things are NOT as bad as they really are. Just one more magic trick to try to keep the entire house of cards from collapsing.
Hillary claims she is concerned about the American Middle Class slipping into poverty.
Here, she made the statement of "You need help from our government."
As I pointed out earlier, the object here is to keep the public dependant upon the government. Also, the object is to perpetuate dependency upon the government and its' services. While THIS is going on, the government is centralizing more and more of its' control over the people, as people like Hillary Clinton and people just like her, truly believe that the general public is so stupid that we could never survive if it weren't for the generousity of their governmental programs.
Again, Hillary Clinton failed to mention the REAL REASON why it is that more and more of the Middle Class are slipping into poverty. This is largely to do with the privately owned and controlled FEDERAL RESERVE banking system, and their home mortgage scam, where each person who has a mortgage pays for their home three times over again, by the time the 360th payment is made at the end of the thirtieth-year of the loan.
Additionally, these loans are proof of racketeering, loan-sharking, and predatory business practices -- not to mention the collusion between member banks. With this financial hangman's noose wrapped around the necks of everyone who had ever taken out such a loan, we have begun to see higher default rates on these loans, where people lose their homes, just because they can no longer afford to make the loan payments.
But, the fact that not a single word was mentioned about the real reasons why the FEDERAL RESERVE has been bankrupting people since 1913 when the un-Constitutional Federal Reserve Act was voted in by only a handful of the Congressional membership -- is proof that Hillary Clinton represents her elite handlers and NOT anyone from the citizenry of the United States of America.
Hillary claims she is concerned about the voting problems in the past two elections of 2000 and 2004.
Here Clinton made some general comments about her "opponent" Bush Jr. and the Neo-Nazi Republican party, and the "voting irregularities" of the 2000 and 2004 elections. She never mentioned that Al Gore actually won the 2004 election, even though Gore was her husband's own Vice President. But what she FAILED to mention or propose was meaningful reform by getting rid of those touchscreen voting machines, which have been proven to be easily hacked, by Bev Harris of Blackboxvoting.org.
Will this provide a window into possible shenanigans of the 2008 election? Could this be the reason why Hillary Clinton did NOT want to mention the problems which manipulated Bush Jr. into office? It is my own personal belief that, yes, this is entirely possible. As I mentioned earlier, Hillary Clinton is such a devisive person that most people simply cannot stand her. As my Senator of New York State, she has proven herself to be dispised by the vast majority of her constitutiency. The only way that she could ever hope to become LADY PRESIDENT is through wholesale election fraud.
Just like her good friend, George Bush Jr. ...
Hillary spoke about her Labrador Seamus, who is a great-nephew of the dog they had while in the White House, Buddy, who was hit and killed by an automobile.
When Hillary brought up the family history of her new dog Seamus, she proudly exclaimed that he was a great-nephew of her White House dog Buddy, who died after being run down by an automobile shortly after Hillary and her husband moved to New York State. This of course is an example of how much these people are OBSESSED with their BLOODLINE, and maintaining its' purity. Even though we are only talking about a dog here, it does provide a peek into their thoughts about what BLOODLINES mean to them.
At all costs, the BLOODLINE must be maintained, and this is because of the following reasons. First, human blood has certain occult properties, which are quite helpful to those who know what those properties are, and how to best take advantage of them. Secondly, the bloodline must be maintained in order to keep the family lineage straight. Again, occult power is handed down throughout the family tree, and it is quite a helpful thing to those who know how to harness and use that power.
So, while it might be a simple comment about a dog who shares their home, it is actually a peek into their mindset regarding the bigger issue of the Illuminati bloodline.
Hillary claims she is concerned about having an exit strategy in Iraq.
While Hillary stated that she does NOT support the SURGE ESCALATION in Iraq, she also did NOT say that she supported IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWL -- which is what the people of America have said they want, in poll after poll that has been conducted over the past year. The true intent is to NEVER leave Iraq, and one of the things to keep your eye on regarding Hillary Clinton, is her later making an excuse as to why we cannot leave and must stay there. When you hear this from her on the campaign trail, please understand that it will be a product of how the situation is being manipulated, and not necessarily her true feelings on the matter.
Hillary claims she is concerned about the damage and the lingering difficulties left behind by Katrina, a manufactured storm, created by the HAARP weapon system.
In the January 23, 2007 State of the Union Address, George Bush Jr. claimed to support alternative fuel energies. Coming from an oil industry background, it is highly unbelievable that, in reality, he would support such a thing. This appeared to be more empty rhetoric and platitudes, as long as the Alaskan North Slope continues to languish in anonymity.
But, the one thing Bush Jr. failed to mention was Hurricane Katrina, and the problems that were brought on by FEMA and the Federal Government. The very first thing the government agents did once they landed in New Orleans was confiscate guns in direct violation of the second amendment, even as they made the people wait FIVE DAYS for fresh food and clean water.
Many died waiting for help to come ...
Hillary mentioned nothing of the numerous problems with the government's response to Katrina, from which there were many to pick. This could have seperated her from Bush Jr. and his "Worst President of All-Time" reputation. But, she claimed nothing of the sort. She remained silent about this most important point about her Illuminati teammate George Bush Jr., when she could have lambasted him, which would have helped her gain some much needed support for her fledgling campaign.
Hillary claims she enjoys being challenged by those with opposing viewpoints.
In the transcript for Hillary's online webcast (part three), the following statement can be found:
"I like people who challenge me. I like people with expertise and experience and strong opinions. And I don't think you find answers from an ideological starting point. I believe in looking at the facts and the evidence, trying to understand what you're trying to achieve in terms of the values that you have and the objectives that you're setting forth in order to get results.
Another thing, I would like to get a broad cross-section of people. I don't want people who already agree with me. I want honest, experienced, hard-working patriotic people who want to be part of a team, the American team, in order to understand what we have to do to meet the challenges of today."
This is a very interesting statement, as Hillary claims to want those who will challenge her the most in her day-to-day campaign operations. However, this flies in the face of the idea of the need and absolute requirement that everything is to be controlled in this campaign, in order to bring about the pre-selected results that the Global Elite are looking for. If she is truly looking for someone who doesn't already agree with her, then why would her handlers use the DELPHI TECHNIQUE in the January 27, 2007 Des Moines Town Hall Meeting?
Something about which to think ...
Hillary claims the 9/11 Commission did a wonderful job in analyzing what happened on 9/11.
In the transcript for Hillary's online webcast (part three), the following statements can also be found:
"As a Senator representing New York on that horrible, horrible day, I saw firsthand and I still deal with the consequences today of our lack of preparedness ..."
And this ...
"The 9/11 Commission, which did such a great job in analyzing what happened on 9/11 ..."
If anyone reading these words has any remaining shred of doubt that Hillary is NOT representing WE THE PEOPLE, but as a point of fact, has been representing THEY THE CRIMINALS -- these two comments above concerning 9/11 certainly prove her to be an ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. With 70%-80% of Americans now realizing that 9/11 was an inside job, this certainly places Hillary Clinton in a position that is diametrically opposed to the people she is looking to represent.
Also, if she truly is looking for those who do not automatically think the same way as she does, then why hasn't she made any comments about 9/11 that go AGAINST the stated government propaganda?! This would position her as a forward thinker, and the benefits would be immediate and exacting.
Americans would see her as something more than a tissue-paper hero.
Hillary seems to have gotten her ideas about foreign policy from the Project For A New American Century report Rebuilding America's Defenses, which was published in September 2000 by many who later would be appointed to the Bush Jr administration.
In mentioning Iran and North Korea, Hillary Clinton had repeated the unbelievable line about these countries possessing the capability to launch nuclear bombs in the direction of the USA. This had been already disproven about Iraq, and in fact, it was the issue over which the Bush Jr. regime lost a great deal of credibility. Here, Clinton was only repeating the arguments laid out on the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) report, Rebuilding America's Defenses, which was published in September 2000, and represents the major aspects of Bush Jr. foreign policy.
But, isn't Hillary supposed to be a Democrat?
A DEMONcrat is more like it!
PNAC mentions the following nations as enemies of America, and ones that must be pre-emptively conquered:
- Iraq
- Iran
- North Korea
- Libya
- Syria
- China
Oddly enough, these are all the same nations that have been in the news during the past five years or so, and are all nations which are considered to be helpful, but only to a point:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a New Pearl Harbor."
On 9/11, we got our Pearl Harbor, as Bush Jr. wrote in his Presdential diary the night of 9/11, shortly before midnight.
If Hillary Clinton is a Democrat, WHY is she promulgating the foreign policy of the Neocons?
Hillary claims she is concerned about the rising costs of loan interest rates.
Again, nothing was said about the conspiratorial FEDERAL RESERVE, which is ultimately responsible for the high interest-rates for loans. The difference is between what they pay (simple interest), versus what they charge (compounded interest). By the time that 7% or 8% home mortgage interest is calculated, it comes out to more than 140% total interest over the 360 payments that all mortgage holders are required to make by the end of the 30th year.
I personally paid cash for my home, as I was in NO WAY going to participate in such a complete scam as that. In fact, I invite all interested readers to check out my report entitled MY MEETING WITH A MORTGAGE BROKER. This report reveals the scam that these people are playing upon unsuspecting and uneducated people all across America. And for Hillary to not mention this, is an indication of where her TRUE LOYALTIES lie.
Hillary claims she wants to foregive the debts of those who work in areas where there are professional labor shortages.
Such labor shortages are the result of immigration practices which have devalued the net worth of the Middle Class, and have provided unfair competition in our nation's labor market. If Hillary truly cared about this issue, she would be suggesting an immediate curtailing of the immigration policies that brought us to the brink of disaster as a nation.
Hillary's statement of "I want more forgiveness of debt for people who go into areas of shortage of need in our society, like Math and Sience teachers or engineers." neither promised nor guaranteed anything at all. This is typical campaign theatrics -- and the average person will forget about this long before the campaign ends -- so there is never anyone to hold these candidates to statements which suggest something more to come at a later date.
Hillary claims she is concerned about the rising widening gap between "the very well off and everybody else."
This following statement was completely outrageous and laughable in its' sheer audacity:
"I hope that in the next few years -- and this is one of the issues I am going to be running on for President -- I hope that we can get back to making college affordable again, that we don't load people down with debt, that we can deal with the rising health care costs in a sensible way and that we can also, you know, try to close the gap between the very well off and everybody else, because that's not good for America, either.
Hillary makes a statement like this, at a time when Americans have to fight for a fifty-cents increase in the national minimum wage!
In this report, I have listed the major themes of Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. Here, I have contrasted her statements in a three-part online webcast, and a Town Hall Meeting in Des Moines, Iowa on January 27, 2007. The two do NOT match up with the reality of the street, so to speak. During this campaign, I will continue to show how these MARKETING SOUNDBITES (aka Talking Points) will be used to manipulate Hillary's image as seen through the eyes of America and her people.
I hope that this presents the basis for an ongoing dialogue or debate, on just how fit this person is to lead this nation as our first woman President, cut from the mold of Margaret Thatcher. By the ways in which she has framed her statements, and how she has steadfastly refused to go after Bush Jr. shows once more that they are on the same team, and it makes absolutely no difference if they call themselves Democrats and Republicans -- because ultimately they ALL wear the colors of the New World Order.
For those of you who are wont to say that Hillary is high in the polls, and doubt what I say here, please understand that this person is the next President, whether YOU want her or not. As with Bush Jr, if there is little public support, the candidate is strong armed into office by whatever means necessary. They are doing the same with Hillary at the present time. As a Senator, she is unliked, and was even booed at a recent appearance at a family based foundation she started while her husband was President. Therefore, things will have to be heavily manipulated to provide the illusion of acceptance by the national citizenry.
There is one final aspect of Hillary Clinton that I find to be of particular concern. In the April 11, 1993 issue of PARADE magazine, she was asked which writers influenced her political thinking the most. Hillary replied:
"I was fascinated by Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. Both 'Brave New World' and '1984' were scary to me."
While this might seem like a fairly benign statement, please keep in mind that these two novels of blueprints for totalitarian control were said by Hillary herself, to have "most influenced her own political thinking!" 1984 itself is a novel which mirrors the society of today -- a media-driven propaganda controls the people whenever the BIG BROTHER leader himself cannot directly control the people. This is the same situation in which we currently find ourselves, and this smash and grab type of political leadership is admired by Hillary herself.
This is a problem, folks ...
Symbolically, Hillary represents the unveiling of the goddess Columbia, which in the eyes of the Illuminati represents the dawning of their greatlly heralded and much coveted New Age. You can see this everywhere one turns, and for more information on the Goddess symbolism, the reader should head over to GOOGLE VIDEO and check out THE FREEMAN PERSPECTIVE.
The Goddess Hillary, soon to be unveiled in a voting booth near YOU ...
© 2007 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
HillaryClinton.com - Let the Conversation Begin Webcast, 1/22 (January 22, 2007)
HillaryClinton.com - Let the Conversation Begin Webcast, 1/23 (January 23, 2007)
HillaryClinton.com - Let the Conversation Begin Webcast, 1/24 (January 24, 2007)
HillaryClinton.com Press Release Page
Hillary Announces "I'm In!" (January 20, 2007)
Wikipedia - Hillary Clinton
Earliest Mention on Internet by Kentroversy of Hillary Clinton becoming the First Women President of the USA (September 26, 2002)
The Delphi Technique: Illuminati Divide and Conquer (August 12, 2006)
President Eisenhower's Warning About Military Industrial Complex - Farewell Address To The Nation (January 17, 1961)
Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society - Henry Makow PhD. (March 18, 2002)
The Truth About Inflation - The Kentroversy Papers (October 23, 2005)
Williams, Lindsey - The Energy Non-Crisis online book
This Week In Petroleum - Gasoline Prices (January 29, 2007)
Springmeier, Fritz - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave (1996)
Springmeier, Fritz and Cisco Wheeler - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula (1997)
Treasury Secretary Calls Clinton Budget Surplus "a Mirage" (December 23, 2005)
Black Box Voting official website - Bev Harris
State of the Union Address (transcript) - George Bush Jr. (January 23, 2007)
Wilentz, Sean - The Worst President In History? - Rolling Stone (May 4, 2006)
Project For A New American Century - Rebuilding America's Defenses (PDF Download) (September 2000)
My Meeting With A Mortgage Broker (July 27, 2005)
The Freeman Perspective website
Hillary Clinton
Delphi Technique
First Woman President of the USA
Military Industrial Complex
New World Order
Margaret Thatcher
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