Here's Why They Are The Bush Crime Family
Here is a flow-chart showing the connections of the BUSH CRIME FAMILY (click on image to enlarge)
I have received some comments asking me why I keep referring to the BUSH CRIME FAMILY --- and here is why there is no other moniker that is more fitting than this:
01) Prescott Sheldon Bush - This traitor to America was prosecuted, jailed, and fined for violations of THE TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT. He also served as one of Hitler's American financiers, and in so doing, he committed TREASON against the United States. As you will see in the list below, there have been few families as dedicated to the New World Order than this crime family.
02) George Herbert Walker Bush - Briefed by FBI after the JFK assassination. Committed treason against the United States by selling weapons to known terrorists, and pardoned his Iran-Contra accomplices, so they would not be available to testify against him and Ronald Reagan in the Iran-Contra matter. Also, was CIA Director during the time when CIA cocaine was set up to invade America, which it later did on his Presidential watch.
03) George Walker Bush - AWOL Texas Air National Guard, known alcoholic and drug abuser. It has been said that besides alcohol, his drug of choice is cocaine. Had several arrests expunged from his record by his father's influence, although he did serve time for community service. Also committed treason against America, for the PATRIOT ACT, and enacted several Hitler-like programs, such as HOMELAND SECURITY, which is a DIRECT reference to Nazi Germany. Permitted torture of prisoners, refused to follow the Geneva Conventions protocols for the proper treatment of prisoners in U.S. custody. Complicit in 9/11, and was beneficiary of TWO SEPERATE Presidential election frauds, in 2000 and 2004.
04) Laura Bush (Jr's wife) - Committed vehicular manslaughter in the death of her college boyfriend, in a drunk driving accident.
05) Jenna and Barbara Bush (Jr's daughters) - Known for their underage drinking and drug use. Both known to have used illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine, with no consequences, even as millions of Americans languish in prison from the use of the same substances.
06) Neil Bush (Jr's brother) - Involved in bank fraud in Silverado Savings and Loan, as part of the 1980's S & L scandal, in which honest Americans were cheated out of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
07) Jeb Bush (Jr's brother) - Complicit in the 2000 Presidential election fraud.
08) Columba Bush (Jeb's wife) - Arrested for smuggling.
09) George P. Bush (Jeb's son) - Vandalism, breaking and entering, and stalking. George P. Bush is currently being groomed to become the first Hispanic President of the United States.
10) Noelle Bush (Jeb's daughter) - Arrested several times for drug offenses, for cocaine, in which she suffered few consequences for her actions.
11) Jeb Bush Jr. (Jeb's son) - Statutory rape, and having sex with a 17 year-old girl.
So, THIS is WHY I will always refer to these people at the BUSH CRIME FAMILY.
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Smoking Gun - Jeb Bush Jr. Arrest Report
Smoking Gun - George P. Bush arrest report
Smoking Gun - George W. Bush DUI Record
Smoking Gun - Jeb Bush Jr. Arrest Report
Smoking Gun - Jenna and Barbara Bush Arrest Report
Smoking Gun - Noelle Bush Mug Shot
Laura Bush: 1963, ran stop sign & killed boyfriend
The Bush Family and the S & L Scandal
Bush Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951 - Federal Documents
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