The Patriotic Poetry of Holly Avila

COURAGE: "Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it."
KENTROVERSY COMMENT: The following poem was read by its' author Holly Avila, a musician and songwriter whose loyalty is to "God, humanity, and the earth, in that order," says Holly personally. She read the following poem on the March 16, 2006 broadcast of THE INVESTIGATIVE JOURNAL. This talk-radio show with host Greg Szymanski, is broadcast on RBN, the Republic Broadcasting Network. This was such a great poem, with an equally excellent message, that I would like to thank Holly personally, for allowing me to reprint this poem on THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS.
Thanks, Holly!!
And, to everyone reading this, if there is a term in the poem below with which you are not familiar, then you should pop those words into a search engine and LEARN. One of the major reasons WHY I wanted to put this poem on THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS, was because of the sheer volume of ideas that Holly so skillfully brings forth in both the poem and its' message.
Part of the dumbing-down process created and implmented by the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION in the 1930's was designed to give children fewer tools to be able to KNOW THINE ENEMY. This is why as far as I am personally concerned, it is a matter of moral imperative to educate all visitors of this site. For me to remain silent at this time of NATIONAL EMERGENCY would make me derelict in my duties as a Constitutional Protectionist.
by Holly Avila
Hurrricane scalar weather wars
Lying media, corporate whores
A missle, no plane, hits the Pentagon
And all video evidence quickly is gone
World Trade Center basement explosions
Covered by shocked patriotic emotions
Burning jet fuel cannot melt steel
Silverstein's billion-dollar insurance deal
Box-cutter phony hijack distraction
Lined war-mongering knee-jerk reaction
Grieving mothers sincere protestation
Royal Saudi business infestation
Bush living easy, high on the hog
Like some ass-kissing Illuminati lapdog
Jeff Gannon's frequent White House sleepovers
CIA drug-running under the covers
Clinton's lucky Bilderberg breakfast
Hillary's new pearl choker necklace
Arkansas' hidden covert airstrips
Triangle-shaped flying spaceships
MK-DELTA and the Montauk Boys
Bush Sr's secret little boy-toys
Microbiologist suicides
H5N1 genocide
VeriChip mandatory National I.D.
Mind and mood control technology
Starvation and torture at Guantanamo Bay
For Democracy and the AmeriKan Way
Haliburton and Carlyle Group doing well
Liberty and justice going to hell
The truth can still set us free
I'm just the messenger, don't shoot me!
© 2006 Holly Avila
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following source was used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Holly Avila Interview - Investigative Journal with Greg Szymanski (March 16, 2006)
RBN LIVE - Republic Broadcasting Network
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