How To Save The USA!
Here's how to save the USA!
For those of us who have dedicated quite a bit of time to researching the problems that currently face the USA, realize that our current crisis did not happen this way by accident. In fact, this program to DESTROY America has taken place with all the pre-meditation, all the intent, and all the planning that goes into such long-term schemes lasting many decades.
With the obviously fraudulent election of November 2, 2004 --- George Bush Jr. has been returned to the task of dismantling what precious little there remains of our once vibrant Constitutional Republic. Worse yet, the rest of the world may view the result of this election as both consent AND agreement by the American people of the pre-emptive neo-fascist imperialistic global conquest set forth by those who pull the Bush puppet's strings. This effectively delivers more foreign HATE for the ‘Great Satan America,’ and will all but guarantee that there will be further ‘terrorist’ attack(s) on United States soil.
There are two concerns here; the upcoming military draft for everyone age 18-26, and Constitution-destroying ‘terrorist’ attack(s) on United States soil. Before I discuss both of these issues in their respective turn, allow me to point out that in General Franks’ quote below, he uses the precise phrase “causes the population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat mass-casualty producing event.”
For the reader who is not familiar with United States laws that really matter, this statement is referring to the 1878 law called the Posse Comitatus Act. This law forbids the use of the United States military as a domestic police force. This is one of the casualties of the bogus War on Terror, as the escalating violence has conveniently allowed authorities the required pretext to undertake what are known as joint-operations between urban police and the military in one form or another. Because of this law, any time you see a police officer dressed up like a mercenary, complete with black ski-mask and identity-obscuring helmet and visor, you are witnessing a Federal crime, as per 18 U.S. Code, section 1385:
Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 1385.
Most people to whom I have spoken about Posse Comitatus, do not have the vaguest idea why it is important. It is important in that it has prevented our police from becoming an occupying army in our own neighborhoods, and it must be important because there is a tremendous effort to have it removed. Posse Comitatus is being spoken of as being too old and obsolete, and incompatible with the demands of today’s world. The criminal racketeering syndicate that dares to call themselves representatives of We The People seek to remove this 1878 law, even while they use other laws of that same era to catch all manner of innocent people on ridiculous, trumped-up charges such as a recent case in which a young woman was arrested for eating a candy bar as she attempted to board a subway train. The police spokesperson described the young woman as “chewing aggressively.”
The subject that seems to be on everyone’s minds these days is the inevitable forthcoming military draft. It is a fraud and a complete insult to the intelligence of the entire country that both Bush Jr. and Kerry emphatically stated there would be no upcoming draft. The few news clips in which I personally heard them say this, they both sounded like they didn’t believe it themselves. As a point of fact, the draft is so imminent that a new term has sprung up in the American mass media --- back-door draft. This term, back-door draft, describes what is most recently being discussed and has been reported in the news, but only on a very limited basis.
Back Door Draft – not allowed to go home after tour of duty is over, 50 to 70 year-old men being called back into active duty. Reservists that are bumped up to active duty on the front lines.
This is what United States General Tommy Franks had to say about the subject of a Constitution-destroying terrorist attack in an interview in the December 2003 issue of Cigar Aficionado magazine, which is targeted to the elite and powerful:
“Two years after the fact of 9/11, we should ask ourselves what is --- not in 1941, not in 1917-1918 --- today, in the twenty-first century, what is the worst thing that could happen in our country? The worst thing that can happen is, perhaps --- and this is my personal opinion --- two steps. The first thing would be a nexus between weapons of mass destruction of any variety. It could be chemical, it could be biological, it could be some nuclear device; and terrorism. Terrorists or any human being who is committed to the proposition of terror, try to just create casualties, not for the purpose of annihilation, but to terrify a population. We see it in the Middle East today, in order to change the mannerisms, the behavior, the sociology and, ultimately, the anthropology of a society.
That goes to step number two, which is that the western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes the most, and that is freedom and liberty we've seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment we call democracy. Now, in a practical sense, what does that mean? It means the potential of a weapon of mass destruction and a terrorist, massive casualty-producing event somewhere in the western world --- it may be in the United States of America --- that causes the population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass-casualty producing event. Which, in fact, then begins to potentially unravel the fabric of our Constitution. Two steps; very, very important.”
--- General Tommy Franks, Cigar Aficionado, December 2003, pg. 90.
Here are the no-nonsense ways in which this country can be saved; although it may already be too late ...
The following are ALL REQUIRED in order to return America back into the hands of its’ people, and away from the criminal element that seized open control of the USA on November 22, 1963 --- the date America lost its’ last completely altruistic President, in a crossfire hail of assassins bullets.
All of the following solutions directly benefit the American people, returning the control over these matters, which rightfully and Constitutionally belong to the American people, and not to some New World Order cabal:
Publish and make available on a massive wide-scale basis --- an information kit on how to petition the U.S. Congress for redress of grievances --- as per the United States Constitution’s first amendment. If one million people sent in these petitions for redress of grievances --- that would make a huge statement. If ten million sent in these grievances, it would make an even bigger statement. They might be able to ignore the sporadic petitions that have already been sent by tens of thousands of concerned patriots --- but they would have to deal with a million or more people who did this.
Organize massive wide-scale work strikes for the entire country --- if everyone stayed home for a weeks’ sick-out --- this country would stop dead in its’ tracks. These work strikes would have to be done in such a way as to comply with existing systems in the individual work places. Take comp time, a sick day, whatever. The idea here is to NOT give the employer an excuse to fire the employee that has become sick and stays home. Use the pre-existing system to YOUR advantage.
Anti-Intellectualism – The government-run compulsory public education which is completely based upon Skinner’s Classical Conditioning.
We must take back our families by homeschooling our next generation of children.
Most people have no idea that the sitting President of the United States has despotic powers in the form of the Presidential Executive Order. This is a document whereupon laws can be made without the involvement of anyone from the halls of congress. When I was doing the research for this article, I was simply stunned when I took the time to look at and to collect the most heinous of these documents.
On February 16, 1962, President John F. Kennedy issued a series of nine Presidential Executive Orders, which called for the seizure of virtually anything that matters, shifting control of public and private industry into the hands of the criminally infiltrated federal government. On September 27, 1962, Kennedy issued a tenth such order.
Furthering along on this road of gradualism, on October 28, 1969, Nixon issued order 11490, which organized the ten Kennedy orders from February and September 1962, into one single order.
Then, on February 10, 1972, Nixon issues order 11647, which outlines the complete reorganization of the entire country, into ten federal regional zones. In doing so, ALL lower levels of government will be eliminated; including local, county, and state.
Dissolve the PRIVATELY OWNED Federal Reserve Central Banking System, just as Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy both tried to do, and place the central bank into the hands of the people, with any and all profits reverting back to the people, in the form of annual tax rebate checks.
The FedGov structure is constantly being promoted as a poorly-run organizational structure, that is operating under a deficit valued anywhere from a $4 to $44 TRILLION dollars, depending upon whom you choose to believe.
However, the privately owned and managed Federal Reserve Bank is actually a insiders’ enterprise, with a small cabal of families outside of the United States committing wholesale and large-scale fraud against the American people on a daily basis.
The three tools with which this is primarily carried out are as follows:
Fractional-Reserve Banking – Member banks get to charge interest on money that does not exist, and is nothing more than a series of bookkeeping entries.
As of the time this book was being written, the Federal Reserve is allowed to loan out seven to ten times the amount of the deposits on hand.
The $19.90 Fraud – Each twenty dollar bill costs approximately ten cents in real cost to the Federal Reserve, which they can loan out at outrageous profit:
As a Home Mortgage with a 7% interest-rate:
NOTE: The term Home Mortgage refers to all of the following types of loans --- first mortgage, second mortgage, and home equity loans.
The borrower is paying $30.53 in interest alone, which means that the ultimate cost of that $20.00 ends up being $50.53 --- of which $50.43 is complete profit.
As a High-Interest Credit-Card with a 19% interest-rate:
Here, the borrower is paying $55.24 in interest alone, which means that with the high-interest credit-card, the ultimate cost of that $20.00 ends up being $75.24 --- of which $75.14 is complete profit.
In each of these two instances, the interest-rate that is ultimately paid is much greater than the stated 7% or 19% rate as the borrower believed.
07% = 150% in real interest paid over lifetime of the loan.
19% = 275% in real interest paid over lifetime of the loan.
Differing models of the computation of interest --- for money the person borrowing receives on money deposited, as opposed to money the person owes the bank on money borrowed.
Money Borrowed – Compounded Interest (Compounded multiple times during period, usually daily.)
Money on Deposit – Simple Interest (Compounded only once during period, usually once per month or less.)
Unfair and downright fraudulent financial contracts for home mortgages and high-interest credit-cards
Return the USA to a gold-backed or silver-backed national currency. It is the only thing that will prevent a complete implosion of the nation’s economy --- where the only possible result is suffocating debt, runaway hyper-inflation, and the financial ruin of tens of millions of Americans.
Repeal the National Security Act of 1947, close down the NSA, and repeal all associated laws behind which, all sorts of criminals have been able to hide their activities behind a smokescreen of “protecting national security interests.”
The perverse abuse of this law is discussed in both Cathy O’Brien’s and Susan Ford’s books on mind control slaves, as well as the two books written by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler.
Require via passage of laws, that all levels of government (local, state, federal) fully disclose their TRUE financial positions, as revealed in their Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports [acronym CAFR], and NOT only in their operating budgets --- which disclose funds required to operate, and NOT any of their illegally held ASSETS!
Dissolve the Internal Revenue Service, and replace it with a simple 12% national flat sales tax, with NO DEDUCTIONS ALLOWED FOR ANY REASON!
This 12% would apply to everyone, and it would be collected during all sales transactions, just as sales tax is currently paid by tens of millions of Americans today.
There would be no exemptions, no deductions, and no loopholes.
This could also be a national sales tax, which would generate operating expenses directly out of the Gross National Product itself!
Require that all elections are to be publicly financed, which will immediately remove the heavy influence of $$$!
Enforce public financing of all political campaigns with a strictly enforced spending cap. The days of spending half a billion dollars to purchase a seat in the Oval Office must come to an end!
Make all forms of non-citizen-based lobbying criminal and illegal!
This in itself would remove a great deal of $$$ influence.
Also, make political nepotism and cronyism illegal as well.
Impanel a public, non-partisan, and completely autonomous elections oversight board, which would implement the best of high technology to assure fair and accurate elections results.
Make Election Day a national holiday, or move Election Day to the weekend.
Force all electronic voting machines to use an operating system that is open-source, with the source code posted online, and available for inspection by anyone who wants to examine the system. Also require the use of a receipt and a traceable tracking number assigned to every single vote. These paper receipts should be able to be examined by anyone.
Ban public polls beginning 120 days before the election, and ban all exit-polling, and ban early returns reports by the mass media.
It might even be helpful to place a 24 or 48 hour ban on the reporting of election returns by any member of the national media.
Use all current government surveillance apparatus to insure that the election process remains public and fully answerable to the public and not private concerns!
Refuse to allow the removal of the natural born US citizenship requirement for Presidential candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger --- Article One Section One of the Constitution.
Limit White House appointed staff positions to the same term limits as the President and Vice President office holders.
This would eliminate evil mirror or shadow administrations, such as Bush Jr, which is a complete rehash of Reagan and Bush Sr. It didn’t work the first time, why do it again and again?!?!?
Legalize, regulate, and tax all forms of drugs, which are now currently illegal. This includes marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD, psychedelic mushrooms, and other substances that are now part of a tremendous BLACK MARKET ECONOMY. Once, the black market profiteering is removed from the equation, the criminal infrastructure would collapse, and the prison and surveillance economy that has sprung up in the USA, would no longer be needed.
As of the writing of this essay, there are now 7 million people in all levels of prison and incarceration in the USA, including parolees and former prisoners who have already paid their debt to society, as we used to say. Since the USA has a stated population of 280 million people, this is approximately 2.5% of the total population --- the highest percentage of any country of the world.
The private for-profit prison system is among the fastest growing sectors of the entire US economy.
The continued increases in building an ever larger corrections infrastructure, shows the true motivations and goals of the creators and promoters of this solution, irregardless of whether it actually works or not.
Part of this is Reagan’s 1984 REX-84 program, which empowered FEMA to assume control in the aftermath of a large-scale emergency. REX-84 also shifted control of closed military bases and other facilities to the United Nations, where those closed bases are now padlocked, but fully staffed and packed with armaments.
Develop and promote a decentralized home-schooling community-based educational system. Nominate Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt or John Taylor Gatto specifically for this task.
Return to the public, ownership of all licenses for all national communications media. Profit in the businesses using such licenses should benefit the public and the greater good, and not private corporations, such as Clear Channel --- which appears to be a CIA-front.
Create a second, higher rate of taxation to foreign businesses located inside the US borders, as well as anytime a US business attempts to exploit foreign employees, by moving their operations outside the US.
Such a tax-rate should be at least double or perhaps triple the individual tax rate. This would end this problem immediately.
Forbid the use of prison labor for private enterprise at anything less than fair-market wages.
We protectors of the Constitution need to institute a plan of NON-VIOLENT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. Violence will not help our cause, and anyone engaged in or planning violence should be immediately suspected to be a government agent provocateur, and should be ejected from the group immediately.
Remember, such people are going to present themselves as a FRIEND of the cause.
A program of massive non-violent demonstrations should be done in front of (or near) the following:
Military recruitment stations
Congressional offices
Outside the homes in the wealthy neighborhoods of our paid-off congressional representatives.
These following ideas, put forth by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, are completely agreeable to the ideas I mention earlier in this article:
01) Teach the Constitution and Bill of Rights in the schools, so Americans will be able to defend themselves against big government’s unconstitutional infringement on individual rights guaranteed therein.
02) Remove American military presence from abroad.
03) Stop illegal immigration, and enforce traditional requirements for citizenship.
04) End overseas assistance to foreign countries, cancel all free-trade agreements, and bring American industry home, where it can reopen closed factories and build new ones to provide hundreds of thousands of jobs, which have been sent overseas.
05) The savings from bringing American jobs home can be used to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure; roads and bridges, which are now in a pitiful state of disrepair.
06) Cut substantially, the taxes for the middle class, give tax-breaks to non-government entrepreneurs.
07) Corporations which continue to to abroad, should be heavily taxed, while those who come home should get substantial tax-breaks.
This is just one man's opinion, however, it would go a very log way toward correcting a large portion of the problems that currently face this country.
For those of us who have dedicated quite a bit of time to researching the problems that currently face the USA, realize that our current crisis did not happen this way by accident. In fact, this program to DESTROY America has taken place with all the pre-meditation, all the intent, and all the planning that goes into such long-term schemes lasting many decades.
With the obviously fraudulent election of November 2, 2004 --- George Bush Jr. has been returned to the task of dismantling what precious little there remains of our once vibrant Constitutional Republic. Worse yet, the rest of the world may view the result of this election as both consent AND agreement by the American people of the pre-emptive neo-fascist imperialistic global conquest set forth by those who pull the Bush puppet's strings. This effectively delivers more foreign HATE for the ‘Great Satan America,’ and will all but guarantee that there will be further ‘terrorist’ attack(s) on United States soil.
There are two concerns here; the upcoming military draft for everyone age 18-26, and Constitution-destroying ‘terrorist’ attack(s) on United States soil. Before I discuss both of these issues in their respective turn, allow me to point out that in General Franks’ quote below, he uses the precise phrase “causes the population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat mass-casualty producing event.”
For the reader who is not familiar with United States laws that really matter, this statement is referring to the 1878 law called the Posse Comitatus Act. This law forbids the use of the United States military as a domestic police force. This is one of the casualties of the bogus War on Terror, as the escalating violence has conveniently allowed authorities the required pretext to undertake what are known as joint-operations between urban police and the military in one form or another. Because of this law, any time you see a police officer dressed up like a mercenary, complete with black ski-mask and identity-obscuring helmet and visor, you are witnessing a Federal crime, as per 18 U.S. Code, section 1385:
Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 1385.
Most people to whom I have spoken about Posse Comitatus, do not have the vaguest idea why it is important. It is important in that it has prevented our police from becoming an occupying army in our own neighborhoods, and it must be important because there is a tremendous effort to have it removed. Posse Comitatus is being spoken of as being too old and obsolete, and incompatible with the demands of today’s world. The criminal racketeering syndicate that dares to call themselves representatives of We The People seek to remove this 1878 law, even while they use other laws of that same era to catch all manner of innocent people on ridiculous, trumped-up charges such as a recent case in which a young woman was arrested for eating a candy bar as she attempted to board a subway train. The police spokesperson described the young woman as “chewing aggressively.”
The subject that seems to be on everyone’s minds these days is the inevitable forthcoming military draft. It is a fraud and a complete insult to the intelligence of the entire country that both Bush Jr. and Kerry emphatically stated there would be no upcoming draft. The few news clips in which I personally heard them say this, they both sounded like they didn’t believe it themselves. As a point of fact, the draft is so imminent that a new term has sprung up in the American mass media --- back-door draft. This term, back-door draft, describes what is most recently being discussed and has been reported in the news, but only on a very limited basis.
Back Door Draft – not allowed to go home after tour of duty is over, 50 to 70 year-old men being called back into active duty. Reservists that are bumped up to active duty on the front lines.
This is what United States General Tommy Franks had to say about the subject of a Constitution-destroying terrorist attack in an interview in the December 2003 issue of Cigar Aficionado magazine, which is targeted to the elite and powerful:
“Two years after the fact of 9/11, we should ask ourselves what is --- not in 1941, not in 1917-1918 --- today, in the twenty-first century, what is the worst thing that could happen in our country? The worst thing that can happen is, perhaps --- and this is my personal opinion --- two steps. The first thing would be a nexus between weapons of mass destruction of any variety. It could be chemical, it could be biological, it could be some nuclear device; and terrorism. Terrorists or any human being who is committed to the proposition of terror, try to just create casualties, not for the purpose of annihilation, but to terrify a population. We see it in the Middle East today, in order to change the mannerisms, the behavior, the sociology and, ultimately, the anthropology of a society.
That goes to step number two, which is that the western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes the most, and that is freedom and liberty we've seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment we call democracy. Now, in a practical sense, what does that mean? It means the potential of a weapon of mass destruction and a terrorist, massive casualty-producing event somewhere in the western world --- it may be in the United States of America --- that causes the population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass-casualty producing event. Which, in fact, then begins to potentially unravel the fabric of our Constitution. Two steps; very, very important.”
--- General Tommy Franks, Cigar Aficionado, December 2003, pg. 90.
Here are the no-nonsense ways in which this country can be saved; although it may already be too late ...
The following are ALL REQUIRED in order to return America back into the hands of its’ people, and away from the criminal element that seized open control of the USA on November 22, 1963 --- the date America lost its’ last completely altruistic President, in a crossfire hail of assassins bullets.
All of the following solutions directly benefit the American people, returning the control over these matters, which rightfully and Constitutionally belong to the American people, and not to some New World Order cabal:
Publish and make available on a massive wide-scale basis --- an information kit on how to petition the U.S. Congress for redress of grievances --- as per the United States Constitution’s first amendment. If one million people sent in these petitions for redress of grievances --- that would make a huge statement. If ten million sent in these grievances, it would make an even bigger statement. They might be able to ignore the sporadic petitions that have already been sent by tens of thousands of concerned patriots --- but they would have to deal with a million or more people who did this.
Organize massive wide-scale work strikes for the entire country --- if everyone stayed home for a weeks’ sick-out --- this country would stop dead in its’ tracks. These work strikes would have to be done in such a way as to comply with existing systems in the individual work places. Take comp time, a sick day, whatever. The idea here is to NOT give the employer an excuse to fire the employee that has become sick and stays home. Use the pre-existing system to YOUR advantage.
Anti-Intellectualism – The government-run compulsory public education which is completely based upon Skinner’s Classical Conditioning.
We must take back our families by homeschooling our next generation of children.
Most people have no idea that the sitting President of the United States has despotic powers in the form of the Presidential Executive Order. This is a document whereupon laws can be made without the involvement of anyone from the halls of congress. When I was doing the research for this article, I was simply stunned when I took the time to look at and to collect the most heinous of these documents.
On February 16, 1962, President John F. Kennedy issued a series of nine Presidential Executive Orders, which called for the seizure of virtually anything that matters, shifting control of public and private industry into the hands of the criminally infiltrated federal government. On September 27, 1962, Kennedy issued a tenth such order.
Furthering along on this road of gradualism, on October 28, 1969, Nixon issued order 11490, which organized the ten Kennedy orders from February and September 1962, into one single order.
Then, on February 10, 1972, Nixon issues order 11647, which outlines the complete reorganization of the entire country, into ten federal regional zones. In doing so, ALL lower levels of government will be eliminated; including local, county, and state.
Dissolve the PRIVATELY OWNED Federal Reserve Central Banking System, just as Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy both tried to do, and place the central bank into the hands of the people, with any and all profits reverting back to the people, in the form of annual tax rebate checks.
The FedGov structure is constantly being promoted as a poorly-run organizational structure, that is operating under a deficit valued anywhere from a $4 to $44 TRILLION dollars, depending upon whom you choose to believe.
However, the privately owned and managed Federal Reserve Bank is actually a insiders’ enterprise, with a small cabal of families outside of the United States committing wholesale and large-scale fraud against the American people on a daily basis.
The three tools with which this is primarily carried out are as follows:
Fractional-Reserve Banking – Member banks get to charge interest on money that does not exist, and is nothing more than a series of bookkeeping entries.
As of the time this book was being written, the Federal Reserve is allowed to loan out seven to ten times the amount of the deposits on hand.
The $19.90 Fraud – Each twenty dollar bill costs approximately ten cents in real cost to the Federal Reserve, which they can loan out at outrageous profit:
As a Home Mortgage with a 7% interest-rate:
NOTE: The term Home Mortgage refers to all of the following types of loans --- first mortgage, second mortgage, and home equity loans.
The borrower is paying $30.53 in interest alone, which means that the ultimate cost of that $20.00 ends up being $50.53 --- of which $50.43 is complete profit.
As a High-Interest Credit-Card with a 19% interest-rate:
Here, the borrower is paying $55.24 in interest alone, which means that with the high-interest credit-card, the ultimate cost of that $20.00 ends up being $75.24 --- of which $75.14 is complete profit.
In each of these two instances, the interest-rate that is ultimately paid is much greater than the stated 7% or 19% rate as the borrower believed.
07% = 150% in real interest paid over lifetime of the loan.
19% = 275% in real interest paid over lifetime of the loan.
Differing models of the computation of interest --- for money the person borrowing receives on money deposited, as opposed to money the person owes the bank on money borrowed.
Money Borrowed – Compounded Interest (Compounded multiple times during period, usually daily.)
Money on Deposit – Simple Interest (Compounded only once during period, usually once per month or less.)
Unfair and downright fraudulent financial contracts for home mortgages and high-interest credit-cards
Return the USA to a gold-backed or silver-backed national currency. It is the only thing that will prevent a complete implosion of the nation’s economy --- where the only possible result is suffocating debt, runaway hyper-inflation, and the financial ruin of tens of millions of Americans.
Repeal the National Security Act of 1947, close down the NSA, and repeal all associated laws behind which, all sorts of criminals have been able to hide their activities behind a smokescreen of “protecting national security interests.”
The perverse abuse of this law is discussed in both Cathy O’Brien’s and Susan Ford’s books on mind control slaves, as well as the two books written by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler.
Require via passage of laws, that all levels of government (local, state, federal) fully disclose their TRUE financial positions, as revealed in their Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports [acronym CAFR], and NOT only in their operating budgets --- which disclose funds required to operate, and NOT any of their illegally held ASSETS!
Dissolve the Internal Revenue Service, and replace it with a simple 12% national flat sales tax, with NO DEDUCTIONS ALLOWED FOR ANY REASON!
This 12% would apply to everyone, and it would be collected during all sales transactions, just as sales tax is currently paid by tens of millions of Americans today.
There would be no exemptions, no deductions, and no loopholes.
This could also be a national sales tax, which would generate operating expenses directly out of the Gross National Product itself!
Require that all elections are to be publicly financed, which will immediately remove the heavy influence of $$$!
Enforce public financing of all political campaigns with a strictly enforced spending cap. The days of spending half a billion dollars to purchase a seat in the Oval Office must come to an end!
Make all forms of non-citizen-based lobbying criminal and illegal!
This in itself would remove a great deal of $$$ influence.
Also, make political nepotism and cronyism illegal as well.
Impanel a public, non-partisan, and completely autonomous elections oversight board, which would implement the best of high technology to assure fair and accurate elections results.
Make Election Day a national holiday, or move Election Day to the weekend.
Force all electronic voting machines to use an operating system that is open-source, with the source code posted online, and available for inspection by anyone who wants to examine the system. Also require the use of a receipt and a traceable tracking number assigned to every single vote. These paper receipts should be able to be examined by anyone.
Ban public polls beginning 120 days before the election, and ban all exit-polling, and ban early returns reports by the mass media.
It might even be helpful to place a 24 or 48 hour ban on the reporting of election returns by any member of the national media.
Use all current government surveillance apparatus to insure that the election process remains public and fully answerable to the public and not private concerns!
Refuse to allow the removal of the natural born US citizenship requirement for Presidential candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger --- Article One Section One of the Constitution.
Limit White House appointed staff positions to the same term limits as the President and Vice President office holders.
This would eliminate evil mirror or shadow administrations, such as Bush Jr, which is a complete rehash of Reagan and Bush Sr. It didn’t work the first time, why do it again and again?!?!?
Legalize, regulate, and tax all forms of drugs, which are now currently illegal. This includes marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD, psychedelic mushrooms, and other substances that are now part of a tremendous BLACK MARKET ECONOMY. Once, the black market profiteering is removed from the equation, the criminal infrastructure would collapse, and the prison and surveillance economy that has sprung up in the USA, would no longer be needed.
As of the writing of this essay, there are now 7 million people in all levels of prison and incarceration in the USA, including parolees and former prisoners who have already paid their debt to society, as we used to say. Since the USA has a stated population of 280 million people, this is approximately 2.5% of the total population --- the highest percentage of any country of the world.
The private for-profit prison system is among the fastest growing sectors of the entire US economy.
The continued increases in building an ever larger corrections infrastructure, shows the true motivations and goals of the creators and promoters of this solution, irregardless of whether it actually works or not.
Part of this is Reagan’s 1984 REX-84 program, which empowered FEMA to assume control in the aftermath of a large-scale emergency. REX-84 also shifted control of closed military bases and other facilities to the United Nations, where those closed bases are now padlocked, but fully staffed and packed with armaments.
Develop and promote a decentralized home-schooling community-based educational system. Nominate Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt or John Taylor Gatto specifically for this task.
Return to the public, ownership of all licenses for all national communications media. Profit in the businesses using such licenses should benefit the public and the greater good, and not private corporations, such as Clear Channel --- which appears to be a CIA-front.
Create a second, higher rate of taxation to foreign businesses located inside the US borders, as well as anytime a US business attempts to exploit foreign employees, by moving their operations outside the US.
Such a tax-rate should be at least double or perhaps triple the individual tax rate. This would end this problem immediately.
Forbid the use of prison labor for private enterprise at anything less than fair-market wages.
We protectors of the Constitution need to institute a plan of NON-VIOLENT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. Violence will not help our cause, and anyone engaged in or planning violence should be immediately suspected to be a government agent provocateur, and should be ejected from the group immediately.
Remember, such people are going to present themselves as a FRIEND of the cause.
A program of massive non-violent demonstrations should be done in front of (or near) the following:
Military recruitment stations
Congressional offices
Outside the homes in the wealthy neighborhoods of our paid-off congressional representatives.
These following ideas, put forth by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, are completely agreeable to the ideas I mention earlier in this article:
01) Teach the Constitution and Bill of Rights in the schools, so Americans will be able to defend themselves against big government’s unconstitutional infringement on individual rights guaranteed therein.
02) Remove American military presence from abroad.
03) Stop illegal immigration, and enforce traditional requirements for citizenship.
04) End overseas assistance to foreign countries, cancel all free-trade agreements, and bring American industry home, where it can reopen closed factories and build new ones to provide hundreds of thousands of jobs, which have been sent overseas.
05) The savings from bringing American jobs home can be used to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure; roads and bridges, which are now in a pitiful state of disrepair.
06) Cut substantially, the taxes for the middle class, give tax-breaks to non-government entrepreneurs.
07) Corporations which continue to to abroad, should be heavily taxed, while those who come home should get substantial tax-breaks.
This is just one man's opinion, however, it would go a very log way toward correcting a large portion of the problems that currently face this country.
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